Ghana FAQ

Ghana FAQ

Our start dates are flexible. You are at liberty to choose a date that works for you. We’ll then crosscheck if we have a spot for you at that date.

We have both short-term and long-term volunteering opportunities, ranging anywhere from 1 week up to 1 year.

We currently have opportunities available some towns and rural areas in the Central and Volta regions.

To volunteer in Ghana, we don’t have a set deadline for applications. However, we do recommend that you apply at least 2 months before your intended departure date to ensure you have adequate time to prepare for your trip. If you have a spontaneous desire to volunteer, give us a call and we’ll see what we can do.

  • Ensure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months.
  • Apply for a tourism visa.
  • A single entry visa for Ghana is valid for three months from the date of issue. Should you need an extension, our in-country coordinator will be happier to assist you.
  • For cost, how to apply and more information about Ghana visas, click Ghana Visas.

Proof of yellow fever vaccination is required. Also, make sure your routine vaccines are up to date. Additional vaccinations recommended are: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Influenza, Measles, Meningitis, Rabies, and Typhoid. Please note, there is no vaccination for Malaria, but you can take preventative medication, which we do recommend (from personal experience). Click here to read more regarding travel health. Please visit your local travel health clinic to discuss this with a professional and which vaccinations are suitable for you. It is recommended you visit the clinic at least 6 weeks before your departure date.

Once you arrive, you will be picked up by in-country staff from the airport and taken to your accommodation for the night. There, you will have the chance to freshen up, contact home, and meet other volunteers. This is the perfect opportunity to exchange contact information for possible future travels or get-together. The next day, you will receive an orientation, where you will learn everything you need to know to have a safe, educational, and exciting experience. After the orientation, you will be transported to your project, where you’ll be introduced to your host family and project staff.

You will be provided 3 meals per day (homemade local food). The following are examples of food you might be provided:


Pancakes or toast and peanuts with porridge, tea, cocoa, or coffee.


Jollof rice, yam and sauce, or plantains and beans.


Noodles, sausages, rice and peanut soup, kenkey and garden eggs stew, or fufu and palm nut soup.

As for housing, you will stay either with a local host family or on the project site, depending on your placement. You will either have your own room or share a room with other volunteers. You will receive specifics on living arrangements before your departure.

Other Details

Travelers Africa aims to make your volunteering day in Ghana a combination of valuable voluntary work, sharing of cultural experiences, and free time to loosen up and reflect. The schedules do vary from program to program. The following is a general schedule:

7:30 am

You will have breakfast with your host family or other volunteers, depending on your living arrangements. Those working at an orphanage will have to wake at 5:30 am to help taking care of the children with bathing and their breakfast.

8:00 am

You will travel to your project. This is usually a walking distance; however, it could as well be by trotro (local minibus).

8:45 am – 12:30 pm

Working at your project site.

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Lunch break.

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Working at your project site.

2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Work usually ends between this time-period, depending on your project. You’re then free to explore and/or socialize.

6:00 pm

Dinner with your host family or other volunteers.


♦ there is also a tea break and a serving of fruit once a day during work.

As a volunteer in Ghana, you will have plenty of free time to immerse yourself in local culture. During the week, you can enjoy mingling with the locals and observing their ways of living. On the weekends, you are free to go wherever your heart desires and explore the wonders of your host country or neighboring countries, if possible.

Some key things to see or do in Ghana:

Cape Coast – Elimina slave castle; Kakum National Park – canopy walk; Accra/Kumasi National Art Centre – souvenirs and cultural activities like dancing/drumming; Nzulenzu stilt village; Mole National Park – safari; Kintampo/Wli waterfalls; Paga crocodile pond; beautiful beaches like Labadi, Sir Charles, White Sands or Busia. Remember, your in-country coordinator is always available to help you plan safe, educational and cost saving travels.



275,Sombetini Road, 275, Arusha, Tanzania Phone:+255655707352



Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm