Tanzania: Medical / Healthcare Internship Project

Facts About This Program

Tanzania: Medical / Healthcare Internship Project

If you are looking for valuable hands-on medical experience, than this internship is a great opportunity. There are many health issues to be explored and there is an obvious lack of manpower and resources in the local hospitals located in the major cities where we operate.

As a medical intern you will study at these rural health posts and community clinics. Participants spend the majority of their internship learning from and assisting a qualified doctor or healthcare professional. Work responsibilities vary with your education, skills, and previous experience.

Skills / Qualifications

Interns interested in joining the internship healthcare / medical program must possess health care certification, such as an ID as a medical student, EMT or paramedic certification, or nursing or physician’s credentials. Medical interns without credentials are not allowed to work in this program because of the potential liability risk. Hospitals require a copy of your resume, clearly stating credentials and education, before your arrival to the project.


On the first day of the project you will be given an extensive orientation to familiarize you with your new surroundings. You will be informed of local customs and how to get around using public transportation. A project co-coordinator will also meet you to explain your role as an Intern. The orientation will cover all the relevant information about your project, including safety issues. An individual timetable will be worked out for you based on how much time you want to commit to volunteering.

Highlights of this volunteer programs:
Internship work

In the internship, you will select a particular area of interest related to medical / healthcare issues and explore the issue further with the help of an assigned supervisor. Please note: the project supervisor DOES NOT develop internships as this is up to the intern to get as much or as little out of their projects.

Job responsibilities of interns joining a medical internship in Tanzania (or to somewhere else where we operate) vary with education, skills, experience, and qualifications. Interns are not allowed to perform diagnoses or surgical operations.

Most of the time interns will help the doctor or work as an assistant. Interns measure blood pressure (BP), temperature, height, weight, as well as assist doctors and the medical staff in the health centers.

Interns may also help in health camps (if available at that time), distribute medication, provide tips to patients referring to health, nutrition and sanitation as well as counseling patients, and possibly participate in the treatment for minor injuries/wounds and/or maintain records of patients treated.

Medical Interns will have the choice to work with an HIV/AIDS outreach clinic conducting home-based care to people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. The homecare will include counseling to the caretakers and distributing medication and food supplies to people living with HIV or AIDS. Other duties will depend on which projects the organization is working on when the volunteer is there. Volunteers will sometimes be required to visit a branch office.

Volunteers in the HIV/AIDS program will devote their time taking care of people living with HIV/AIDS while getting them engaged in various educational activities. The activities are designed to increase their awareness of the disease in hope of their dissemination of the information to others in hope of ultimately stopping and preventing the epidemic of HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. This project is open to any volunteer who are willing to share their love, time, and compassion with patients living with HIV/AIDS.


Accommodation: Room/ Food/ Supervision.
Volunteers have the choice of staying at our volunteer Accommodation in Arusha Town or at our local Tanzanian host families, commonly know as “home stay”. Our volunteer house is located close to the town centre so has easy access to transport routes, shops, bars and restaurants. The House has single or shared living facilities and western style bathroom facilities with hot water. It also provides a sitting and dinning area with T.V. and D.V.D. Our host families are active community members who are not only mature but are trained and experienced with international volunteers. You will get a single room (or share with another volunteer) in a home stay. The accommodation will be clean and simply furnished. Local host will provide three local meals a day. During the volunteering period our staff will guide, help, and supervise you everyday while on your volunteer Project.
Project Dates and Durations
Placements are open to volunteers and interns all year round but we ask volunteers to arrive on either the 1st or 3rd Sunday of each month. Placement duration is from a minimum of 2 weeks up to a year.
Good level of the English spoken language This Program is open to World Wide Participants. This Program is also open to Families, Couples, and Individuals. It is helpful for the volunteers to learn some basic Kiswahili/Maasai language. When you arrive at you project placement the volunteer coordinator will give you an introduction.

275,Sombetini Road, P.o.box 275, Arusha, Tanzania Phone:+255655707352


info@travelers Africa.com

Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm