Climbing Kilimanjaro Mountain.

Facts About Kilimanjaro Mountain

Climbing Kilimanjaro Mountain.

What experience will you have after summiting the tallest free-standing mountain and the roof of Africa?. This is the truly unique experience that any Trekker would wish to have. 

 Be among 75000 Mountain trekkers who are annually attempting to summit this iconic mountain of Africa. The equatorial Mountain its peak covered with perpetual layers of snow throughout the year.

While climbing this Mountain you will enjoy being in the middle of different climate zones each is recognized by its own vegetation, from cultivated land at the bottom, A thick forest, Heather /Moorland, Alpine desert at the middle before hitting the snow zone at the cap. This Variation of zones makes Kilimanjaro Hiking be the most adventurous trek for any Mountain Climber.

The Great Barranco Valley is among fabulous views which offer an other-worldly vista that you can’t experience anywhere else. Your will spot alien-looking plants, tumbling waterfalls, and a magnificent view of glaciers further up the mountain.

At some point in time when you climbing up you may find yourself ascending above clouds! 

For those who wish to  have  marvelous photographs of Kilimanjaro sunrise and  sunset, at Great Barranco Valley is a unique opportunity that you can’t afford to  miss it 

The gorgeous glaciers near Crater Camp the last point before summiting. This point will make you feel like you are on another planet, whereby one side of the landscape dominated by Ice while the rest has rock domination.

At long last, Uhuru peak summit is on the corner! The epic experience isn’t described easily no matter who you are either a nature lover or a Keen Hiker. 

 Who is our Guide?

 The success in trekking Mount Kilimanjaro is completely different from other popular Mountains. It is commonly known Mountain Guides are responsible for leading away to the crescent, but Kilimanjaro Mountain Guides are responsible for everything related to Mountain climbing.

Your Guide has to take care of your duffel bag with gear, your meal to a place where you are going to sleep. From that outlook, you may see the need for a good Mountain guide for your success.

This is why we proud of Having Mr. Mrope on our Team.

Mr. Mrope  born and rose from below the slopes  of Mount Kilimanjaro. For over 10 years He has been working as Kilimanjaro Mountain Local Guide Leader. He has a good record of success for over 300 trips.

If you are guided by Mr. Mrope the success is assured.

Kilimanjaro Routes.

One of the beauties of climbing Kilimanjaro is having  6-7 routes options to choose from to summit at Uhuru Peak. These routes include  MachameLemoshoShiraRongaiNorthern Circuit, for experienced trekkers, the Umbwe route is their best alternative to take.

The Machame Route and Umbwe Route  – Both routes are taking over from the southwest side of the mountain and then use the Southern Circuit via Barafu and Stella Point to approach Uhuru Peak.

Similarly, Shira Route and Lemosho Route approaching the summit from the Southern Circuit and uses the Mweka route on descending.

Marangu Route uses the southeast approach passing via Gilman’s Point. This is the only route with huts for accommodation. 

Rongai Route starts from the North-East then passing the Saddle area which is between Kibo and Mawenzi Peak before reaching Gilman’s point then Summiting. Route uses Marangu Route  For Descending.

 Northern Circuit is the New and longest one. Here you will approach Uhuru peak from the Northern part of the Mountain like the Lemosho route but here you will veer the mountain before reaching  Lava Tower, again this route uses Gilman’s Point to summiting.


Highlights About Kilimanjaro Mountain

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About Kilimanajro Routes

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As Kilimanjaro Mountain is in proximity to the Equator, its Temperature doesn’t have a huge fluctuation at all the year-long. Therefore you can climb at any time. But the preferred time is in the dry season as compared to wet ones. Generally, the wet season routes characterized by having muddy, slippery, and snowy conditions which make the climbing a bit difficult. Therefore try to avoid rainy seasons which are from late March to early June.

For the Best Trekking, choose January to March where the temperature is mild, skies are fairly clear with some occasional rain intervals during the day. Or else Choose July and October while the weather at this period is quite cold with clear skies. 

Apart from Weather, another fact to take into consideration is the Lunar cycle.

Being on top of Kilimanjaro during the light of a full moon is a magical experience that will never be erased for the rest of your life. For the best timing plan your  trip to coincide with a full or nearly-full moon.


The weather on Mount Kilimanjaro can vary from very hot to extremely cold within the same day although it does not experience wide temperature changes from season to season. You can see a chart of the temperatures on Kilimanjaro below.

What does change a lot is the amount of rain with two distinct rainy seasons: the long rains in April and May and the short rains in late November. If you want to keep dry on your climb avoid these months.

Traffic on the mountain is highest in the drier months but is particularly high during the late European summer months. Flight costs are also generally at their highest during this period.

Also remember 50% of climbers start at the weekend so try to avoid that rush with a midweek start date. And if you want a good clear night to summit look out for the full moon dates.

You should though consider three main factors in choosing what will be the best time of year for you to climb Kilimanjaro. These are

  • the weather
  • how busy the mountain is
  • the cost of flights

Due to Tanzania’s proximity to the equator (between 1 and 11.45 degrees latitude south of the Equator and 29.20 and 40.35 degrees longitudes east), this region does not experience the extremes of winter and summer weather, but rather dry and wet seasons. The local Weather conditions on Kilimanjaro can be somewhat unpredictable to say the very least. Rainfall varies from 2100 mm per year in the rainforest belt to less than 120 mm per year in the summit zone. Similarly, daily temperature changes are unexpected when compared to normal weather cycles, and are largely dependent on Altitude.

Mount Kilimanjaro has five major ecological zones, each approximately 3,280 feet (1,000 m) in altitude. Each zone is subject to a corresponding decrease in rainfall, temperature and life as the altitude increases. At the beginning of the climb, at the base of the mountain, the average temperature is around 70°F to 80°F (27°C to 32°C). From there, the temperatures will decrease as you move through Mount Kilimanjaro ecological zones. At the summit, Uruhu Peak, the night time temperatures can range between 0°F to -15F (-18°C to -26°C). This make Kilimanjaro weather very dynamic and you should always be prepared for wet days and cold nights.

We recommend to our clients who wants to climb Kilimanjaro that the long rains typically occur from February to May, and basically it is at this time when visibility is bad and the mountain becomes slippery and treacherous. The shorter rains occur during November and December while June though October it is a summer time and conducive for climbing the Mountain.

NB: Provided that February through May is long rain season mountaineers climb this mountain to the top without any problem so long as they have all required climbing gears.

Weather Conditions near the base of the mountain tend to be tropical to semi-temperate and are relatively stable all year round. The lower plains are hot and dry with average temperatures of around 90 degrees Fahrenheit. As one heads away from the Lower Plains towards the Rain Forest, conditions become increasingly warm and humid.

Mount Kilimanjaro is divided into five distinct zones: Cultivated farmlands on the lowest levels, next is the rainforest zone, followed by heath and moorland with alpine vegetation, and just before the barren, snowy summit is lunar-like desert. The climate and animal life is dependent on the zone.


Mountain Kilimanjaro climbing is a breathtaking activity and should be clear that clothing well, slow pace as well as determination are the key to a successful climber. While climbing Kilimanjaro you have to observe the below gears facilities for your successful attempt. However it should be in mind that only Marangu route offers accommodation in huts leaving the rest of the route been using mobile tents which will be carried by your porters.

Apart from mobile tents other amenities such as water and cooking utensils are provided by us. Below are your important belongings and if you don’t have some of them you can simple rent from us as stipulated below.

Climbers package Mountain Kilimanjaro gear rental in Tanzania


COST IN US DOLLAR – For the Length of the climb

Sleeping bag (length 220 cm)

Rain Trouser


Warm Jacket

Warm Trouser

A Pair of Walking Poles




Cap or Sun Hat

Duffle Bag

Pack Cover

Thick Socks

Heavy Socks


Form Pad (Ridge Rest)

Sleeping Pad (Inflating Thermarest)

Waterproof breathable jacket & Pant

Down Insulated Jacket

Water Bottle

Hiking Boots



























Summit jacket (Shell jacket)


Waterproof jacket




Waterproof trousers


Pair of walking poles




High altitude down mitts (gloves)



Sizes available: Large and Extra-large.

Rental terms and conditions applicable in Tanzania: To avoid disappointment it is strongly recommended that all your rental equipment is booked well in advance of your planned trip.

Important: Please note that NO equipment must be washed by the clients under any circumstances.


The renowned Mount Kilimanjaro isn’t a technical for those wishing to climb or having any mountaineering experience needed, yet the importance of preparing sufficiently for the journey should nevertheless not be undermined. The Cardio Vascular fitness is important role particularly at higher altitudes where the body will be placed under enormous pressure due to lack of oxygen levels in the atmosphere. Morning jogging put your heart and lungs in prime condition for the climb.

It doesn’t matter if it is a picnic or a long journey preparation is a crucial step. Basically preparation container check how successfully will be your occasion. Travel to Africa Tanzania especially for the attempt of the Mount Kilimanjaro which stands at 5895 meters above the sea level or any Mountain it demands physical, mental and equipment preparation for successful start and finish.

The renowned Mount Kilimanjaro isn’t a technical for those wishing to climb or having any mountaineering experience needed, yet the importance of preparing sufficiently for the journey should nevertheless not be undermined. The Cardio Vascular fitness is important role particularly at higher altitudes where the body will be placed under enormous pressure due to lack of oxygen levels in the atmosphere. Morning jogging put your heart and lungs in prime condition for the climb.

One day acclimatization during the climb especially the Kilimanjaro is strongly recommended. Provided that you will do a lot of exercise prior the climb it is very important to consult your doctor before travel. Mountain sicknesses is something that arises with time or abruptly please tell your guide about how you feel and will recommend to go on or back to the camp or hut, don’t force since it might put you in a dangerous situation. We also recommend obtaining your private insurance for luggage and health.

The food which we provide at the Mountain is tasty and palatable which contain more of protein and enough drinking bottle water. While in the high altitude the body normally develops a tendency of losing appetite. It’s important to eat sufficient quantities even if not feeling particularly hungry as stamina fatigues quickly during the climb, especially at higher altitudes.

The first step towards a pleasant climb is to ensure that one has a comfortable pair of hiking boots that have been broken in far in advance to the trip. Equipment such as trekking poles and gaiters can make both ascending and descending notably less strenuous. Other essentials include warm gloves with glove liners, camera, suitable clothing, a kit bag and rucksack, toiletries, sunscreen and good quality sunglasses.

Passport and Entry Requirements: A valid passport is required and can be obtained from governmental agencies or a consulate in your own country. The passport expiring no less than six months after your return to the country is required. Provided that there are countries Tanzania has sign visa abolition please check with your embassies and high commissioner located to you countries or contact ministry of home affairs Tanzania Dar es Salaam before departure. An alternative is done by obtain visa to Tanzania in all entry points such as airports and borders with the present of valid passport as stipulated above.

Currency: U.S. cash or traveler’s cheques can be changed into local currency (Tanzania shillings) easily by local bureau de change and banks. It is important to remember exchange your money back to U.S. dollars or any of your country’s currency when you depart since it’s forbidden to leave with Tanzania currency.

Credit Cards: Credit cards are only accepted by the major airline companies and the larger hotels and lodges. Tanzania as any of developing countries doesn’t rely much on settle bills by credit card most of places accept cash. As an individual having a credit card in Tanzania can help you withdraw cash in any nearest bank ATM machine. It also suggested that you take sufficient funds in traveler’s cheques and/or cash.


Altitude sickness is something that too few people consider when taking on a climbing expedition. Whether you are a first time climber or a seasoned veteran, it can never be too soon to consider the risks and effects of altitude sickness and think about how to prepare for it should it hit you.

It is quite common for people to think that extra weight around the middle or a general lack of peak fitness are the root causes behind altitude sickness, but in truth that is just not the case.

Is Altitude Sickness Random & Unpredictable?

Research on the Internet may indicate that altitude sickness is caused randomly and is unrelated to a person’s age or level of aerobic fitness. You may also see information that acute altitude sickness comes on all of a sudden at specific altitude levels. Whilst weight can be a factor, how one person’s body is affected is not predictable with any accuracy and there is little causation that one can point to.

However, this sort of information is only useful when taken in context. The tests for altitude sickness for research purposes are typically performed by taking someone from sea level up to an elevation of several thousand meters quickly, and then seeing the effects. Much like with surfacing too quickly when scuba diving, it is not always the depth or elevation involved, but the speed with which you move upwards that matters.

As a side issue to be aware of, somebody who suffers from a respiratory disease like asthma is much more likely to experience breathing difficulties at higher elevations, if not altitude sickness specifically.

How Do You Avoid Altitude Sickness Ruining Your Trip?

The most important thing to do is to arrive ahead of your planned climbing trip and give your body time to adjust as gradually as possible to the level of elevation. This cuts down the risk of experiencing a bout of altitude sickness and the unpleasant symptoms that can occur from it. Given time, the body can adjust partially or completely to the changes in altitude, but when deprived of the time to adjust, the human body has the hardest time coping.

So for those travelers that are genuinely concerned about it, we would suggest planning for a longer trip, adding in time to adjust to the elevation initially, and perhaps selecting a climbing route or climbing course that takes a more leisurely pace.

Physical condition for Your Mt. Kilimanjaro Climb

Although it is not necessary to be an Olympic athlete, you do need to be in good health. Preparing to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro should be accompanied by a physical exam from your family doctor. To prepare yourself for the climb, it is a good idea to start an exercise program, especially if you have never done something like this before. Do aerobic exercises to increase your body’s ability to use oxygen, and remove some of the spare weight you may be carrying around. Another great way to get in shape for your climb is to hike smaller trails. While doing this, you should wear the daypack, slowly adding weight to it until you get to about 20 pounds. Another recommendation is to wear the hiking boots on your short hikes that you will wear on your climb of Mt. Kilimanjaro. This assists in breaking in the boots.

Equipment for the Mt. Kilimanjaro Climb

A guide and porters will accompany you on your climb of Mount Kilimanjaro. The porters will carry most of your gear. You are responsible for carrying your own daypack with things like rain gear, water, and other small personal items. It is important to double check with your tour operator, but generally, they will provide the common items, like tents, food, water, cooking supplies, etc. You will want a good daypack for the climb. It must fit well and be comfortable; you will be wearing it a lot. To keep you warm at night a sleeping bag rated for at least 10 degrees Fahrenheit is recommended.

Another major piece of equipment you will need is a good set of trekking poles. You will also need to bring along various types of clothing for the different weather you will experience, and good footwear for hiking and walking around camp. Try to keep your supplies around the 35-pound area. Going over this weight might mean you will need to pay for a second porter to help carry your things. It is good to check with your Mount Kilimanjaro tour operator on their specific policies. 

About Itineraries .

Day 1:

An early start with a drive to Rombo gate. Trek for 3 – 4 hours to the first cave for dinner and overnight. This cave (2,700m)

Day 2:

Trek to the second cave for lunch and onwards to Kikelewa cave on the Mawenzi train for overnight. This takes about 6- 7 hours. Kikelewa cave (3,600m).

Day 3:

The day is spent trekking to Mawenzi Tarn hut for overnight, Mawenzi Tarn (4330m)

Day 4: A day of trekking across the saddle to school camp. This takes about 4 -5 hours. School camp (4, 750m)

Day 5: Just after midnight start for the summit via Gillman’s point (5,700m) for 6 – 7 hours to Uhuru peak (5, 895m) – the highest point in Africa! The descent takes about 5 -6 hours to Horombo hut campsite for overnight. Horombo Camp (3,807m)

Day 6:

The day is spent descending to Marangu gate, this takes 6 hours or so where you will be met and transferred to Arusha.

Price: Quoted in USD $1,550usd per person sharing,

  • Extra day for acclimatization is subject to USD 180
  • The above prices are based on a minimum of 2 persons. Group Incentive Safari Prices Christmas and New Year supplements US $ 45 per person per day 23 December to 3 January.
  • Tour rates in US $ (click here to convert rates shown below to major world

Package Include:

  • Airport transfer as shown in the plan
  • A night at the base before and after the climb
  • Full board accommodation on climbs
  • All park entry fees, camp fees, rescue fees, guide and portera fees
  • Knowledgeable mountain guide and porters on climbs for professional trekking
  • Transport to and from the mountain gates
  • Cook and all kitchen utensils on the climbs and tents
  • Service of an English speaking mountain guide
  • Crew allowances and park fees
  • Complementary of printed safari hat and T –shirt
  • Government taxes.

Package Excludes:

  • Extras at the lodges i.e drinks, telephone, laundry, Internet etc
  • International flight
  • Departure tax
  • Tips to drivers (highly recommended)
  • Visa, Travel Insurance.
Day 1 – Arusha.

whenever you arrive, you‘ll be personally met and transferred to a lovely hotel in arusha. Those arriving especially early can book optional activities. Then, spend the afternoon with your Tanzania Wildlife expedition mountain guide preparing for the climb.

 Day 2: FOREST

After picking up the requisite documentation at the park gate the safari continues to the Lemosho glades starting point. Less steep than the Machame route and less used today’s trek is through the forest that laces the foot of the mountain. This evening’s camp is pitched in the forest at around 2750m.

 Day 3 – SHIRA 1

Today’s trek takes you slowly up the edge of the Shira volcano. As you gain altitude the vegetation thins and exotic species of high altitude plants appear. Camp is situated near the rim of the ancient volcano and provides a good opportunity to get the first direct views of Kilimanjaro peal. Camp is pitched at about 3500m.


Trek to Shira 2 camp across the Shira plateau the flat caldera of a volcano that was actually bigger and is much older than Kilimanjaro. Views can be very weather specific but on good days are breathtaking. Bilious clouds are often observed melting down from its rim on to the heath covered plateau. Kibo also shines with a silvery luminance as the glaciers reflect the strong sunlight. A times mist covers the plateau – views come and go quickly. You arrive in time for lunch and then have plenty time to relax and even go for a short acclimatization walk in the afternoon.

 Day 5 – LAVA TOWER.

Today you will walk for 3 – 5 hours, enjoying sightings of the typical Kilimanjaro mountain vegetation and reaching a high point of around 4600 meters at our Lava tower camp. The hiking takes us out of the health zone in to alpine desert where only the very toughest tussock grasses can survive. Freezing at night and blazing conditions in the day make this a hard place to exist. For those that are up to it we ascend the Lava Tower in the afternoon. Overnight lava tower (full board).


Today we hike from lava tower to Karanga valley. The trail initially sets of downhill into the Barranco valley before ascending the Barranco wall. In this region there are significant numbers of very nature Senecios (giant groundsels). Lunch is taken on trail before heading on to Karanga valley and up to camp. In the afternoon we have time to relax and for the very active there is a chance to head over to the Karanga valley to look at some spectacular glacial scenery. Karanga camp (full board).



About 2 hours from Karanga you will come out on the Barafu path (part of the Mweka Train). It is a further 1 – 2 hours to Barafu Hut. The last stage to Barafu hut is quite steep, and as always we advise taking it as easy as possible. Once in camp we have lunch and then the afternoon head out on an afternoon acclimazation hike to around 4700 – 4800metres. Back at camp dinner is served. Views of Mawenzi peak are also superb here. Overnight Barafu camp (full board).


Today we ascend to the roof of Africa! After an early start we ascend up to the rim of the Kibo crater. Its slow going as there is so little oxygen here. However, with patience and determination we arrive at the rim and descend in to the crater for lunch in camp. The afternoon is taken relaxing and acclimatizing. It is a short walk over to the Furtwangler for those that are feeling active! Dinner is taken in the mess tent and then off to bed. Overnight Crater Camp (full board).


We rise early to try to time out ascent with the rising sun. It takes around 45 minutes to an hour to reach Uhuru peak – our ultimate goal. After sunrise we then head down the mountain down screed slopes and the biggest glacial valley on Kilimanjaro. The train passes back trough Barafu camp where we rest briefly before continuing down to Millennium camp for lunch. In the afternoon we take an easy pace down to Mweka camp, our last camp on Kilimanjaro. Dinner and overnight mweka camp (full board)


The final descent takes you through the lower health section that eventually turns in to rainforest. Your time on Kilimanjaro ends at Mweka gate where your vehicle will be waiting to transfer you back to you evening’s accommodation. You may now relax take a hot shower or even relax by the pool! Enjoy a wonderful celebration dinner!

Cost of it is $1,870usd per person.

Package Includes:
  • Flying doctors emergence
  • Airport transfer as shown in the plan
  • A night at the base before and after the climb
  • Full board accommodation on climbs
  • All park entry fees, camp fees, rescue fees, Guide and porters fees
  • Knowledgeable mountain guide and porters on climbs for professional trekking.
  • Transport to and from the mountain gates.
  • Cool and all kitchen utensils on the climbs and tents
  • Service of an English speaking mountain guide
  • Crew allowances and park fees
  • Complementary of printed safari hat and t – shirt
  • Government taxes
Package Excludes:
  • Extras at the lodges i.e. drink, telephone, laundry, Internet etc.
  • International flight
  • Departure tax.
  • Tips to drivers (highly recommended)
  • Visa, Travel Insurance.

Day 0 : Arrival
Arrival and pick from Airport and transferred to the hotel here in Arusha for dinner and
overnight (bed and breakfast included).
Day 1 : Umbwe Gate (1,800 m) – Umbwe Cave (3000 m
Hiking time: 6-8 hours
Habitat: Montane forest
The climb starts from Umbwe Gate (1,800 m.) The path follows a ridge between two deep
valleys up through the dense montane forest. The camp is perched between huge trees and
thick undergrowth. There is no water available at this campsite, so we must carry from the gate
all the water needed for drinking, food preparation and cleaning.
Day 2 : Umbwe Cave (3000 m) to Barranco Valley (3950 m)
Hiking time: 4-6 hours
Habitat: Moorland
The path gets steeper on this section, as you get out of the forest along the Umbwe
ridge the route descends slightly to the Barranco camp situated in the valley.
Day 3 : Barranco camp (3950m) – Karanga Camp (4550m)
Hiking time: 4-5 hours
Habitat: Semi desert
A steep climb up the eastern wall leads us just below the Heim Glacier, where we may have
some spectacular views of Kilimanjaro. We then take a steep exit up the Great Barranco Wall,
which divides us from the southeastern slopes of Kibo, the trail continues down into the alpine
desert of the Karanga Valley, finally we have a steep climb up Barranco Valley to Karanga camp
(4,000 m).
Day 4 : Karanga camp (4550m) – Barafu Camp
Hiking time: 4-5 hours
Distance: About13 km
Habitat: Alpine desert
After breakfast at the Karanga valley camp, you will walk a ridge and enter a cold desert for
about 4 hours and then reach the Barafu Hut. Crews will collect water from the last water stop
at Karanga Valley in morning, as there is no water at Barafu camp. Barafu is the Swahili word for
“ice” as it is a bleak and inhospitable camping area to spend the night. Totally exposed to the
ever-present gales the tents are pitched on a narrow, stony, and dangerous ridge. Make sure
that you familiarize yourself with the terrain before dark to avoid any accidents as this is a
dangerous area. The summit is now 1345m above you, and you will make the final ascent
tonight. Prepare your equipment, ski stick, and thermal clothing for your summit attempt.
Make sure and replace the batteries in your headlamp and camera and make sure you have a
spare set available as well. To prevent freezing, it would be wise to carry your water in a

thermal flask. Go to bed around 7 PM and try to get some good. Try not to sleep more than 5
Day 5 : SUMMIT ATTEMPT Barafu camp (4550m) – Uhuru Peak (5895m) – Mweka Camp
Hiking time: 8 hours to reach Uhuru Peak 7/8 hours to descend to Mweka camp Distance: ~ 7
km ascent – 23 km descent
Habitat: Stone scree and ice-capped summit
You will rise around 11:30 PM and have some hot tea and biscuits before you shuffle off into
the night. You will head in a northwesterly direction and ascend through heavy scree towards
Stella Point on the crater rim. This 6-hour walk to Stella point is for many climbers the most
mentally and physically challenging part of the trip. At Stella Point (5685m) you will stop for a
short rest and will be rewarded with the most magnificent sunrise you will witness in your
lifetime (weather permitting). From Stella Point you will normally encounter snow to Uhuru
Peak (2 hour ascent). The time you will spend on the summit will depend on the weather
conditions. Do not stop here for too long, as it will be extremely difficult to start again due to
cold and fatigue. Enjoy your accomplishment as this is a day to remember for the rest of your
life. The walk back to Barafu from the summit will take about 3 hours. Here you will have a well
earned but short rest. You will then collect the rest of your gear before heading down to
Mweka hut (3100m). This route is not difficult and will take you down the rock and scree path
into the moorland and eventually into the forest. The camp is situated in the upper forest and
mist or rain can be expected in the late afternoon. Dinner and washing water will be prepared.
Drinking water, soft drinks, chocolate, and beer is available from the camp office if you so
Day 6: Mweka camp (3100m)- Mweka Gate (1980m)
Hiking time: 3 hours
After Hot breakfast from in Mweka Campsite you will start walking slowly towards the
mountain gate the walk takes about 3hours to get to the Mweka campsite where our driver will
pick you and transfer you to the Hotel in Arusha.
The cost is $1,750usd per person.


 Accommodation as per the itinerary.
 Pickup from the airport (Kilimanjaro International Airport) or bus terminal, and drop off when
climb finished
 Professional Mountain guide
 Daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner as per the itinerary.
 All Park entrance fees
 Rescue fees

 Porter’s allowance
 Professional mountain cook
 Transfer to and from the mountain gate
 Conservation fees
 Local government taxes
 Clean water


 Travel and personal health insurance
 All Internal or International flights and taxes
 All optional activities and any other extras not detailed in the above itinerary
 Tips and gratuities
 Alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic drinks
 Visas
 Passport
 Accommodation before and after safari

Day 1 : Machame Gate (1490m) – Machame camp (2980m)
Hiking time: 7 hours
Distance: ~18 km
Habitat: Montaine forest
Your day starts early with a briefing from the tour organizer and guides, followed by 70-minute
drive from your Hotel (910m) to the Machame village (1490m). The guides and porters prepare
and pack the supplies and your equipment in the village. You will receive a lunch pack and you
can also buy mineral water in the village. Depending on the condition of the road, it is possible
to drive from the village to the Machame gate, but if not, the muddy 1 km walk will take about
30 minutes to complete.
After registering at the gate office, you start your ascent and enter the rain forest almost
immediately. There is a strong possibility of rain in the forest, which will transform the trail into
a very foggy, muddy and slippery experience. You will have a welcome lunch stop about half-
way and will reach the Machame camping area in the late afternoon. Your porters (arriving at
the camp site long before you) will have erected your tent on your arrival. In the evening the
porters will boil drinking and washing water and the cook will prepare dinner before you retire
to your tent for the night. Night temperatures can already drop to freezing point at Machame
Day 2 : Machame camp (2980m) – Shira camp (3840m)
Hiking time: 6 hours
Distance: About 9 km
Habitat: Moorland
You rise early at Machame camp and after breakfast you climb an hour or so to the top of the
forest and then for 2 hours at a gentler gradient through the moorland zone. After a short lunch
and rest, you continue up a rocky ridge onto the Shira plateau. By now you will be able to see in
an easterly direction, the Western Breach with its stunning glaciers. You are now due west of
Kibo and after a short hike you will reach the Shira campsite at 3,840m. The porters will boil
drinking and washing water, before serving dinner. The night at this exposed camp will even be
colder than the previous night, with temperatures dropping to well below freezing.
Day 3 : Shira (3840m) – Lava Tower (4630m) – Barranco camp (3950m) Hiking time: 7 hours
Distance: ~ 15 km
Habitat: Semi desert
The route now turns east into a semi desert and rocky landscape surrounding Lava Tower,
where you reach an altitude of 4630m after about a 5 hours walk. Lunch is served in a
designated area before ascending the rocky scree path to Lava Tower (4630m). Definitely the

toughest day so far. It is normally around this point, where for the first time some climbers will
start to feel symptoms of breathlessness,
irritability and headaches. After lunch you descent again by almost 680m to the Barranco
camping area and after reaching the high altitude of 4,600m at Lava Tower, the true
acclimatization benefit of this day becomes clear. This descent to Barranco camp takes about 2
hours and offers great opportunities to take some beautiful photographs of the Western Breach
and Breach Wall. The camp is situated in a valley below the Breach and Great Barranco Wall,
which should provide you with a memorable sunset while you wait for the preparation of your
dinner and overnight at Barranco Camp site.
Day 4 : Barranco camp (3950m) – Karanga camp (4550m)
Hiking time: 4-5 hours
Distance: About13 km
Habitat: Alpine desert
After spending a night at the Great Barranco Wall, you will proceed to make your way up this
awesome looking obstacle. Hikers find that in the end this normally turns out easier than
anticipated. Topping out just below the Heim Glacier, you will now appreciate just how
beautiful Kilimanjaro really is. The route then heads down through the Karanga Valley crossing
the last water point over intervening ridges and valleys and then joins up with the Mweka
route. This is the preferred route down from the summit, so take note. We will finish with
dinner and an overnight Karanga Valley Camp.
Day 5 : Karanga Valley – Barafu Camp
Hiking time: 4-5 hours
After breakfast at the Karanga valley camp, you will walk a ridge and enter a cold desert for
about 4 hours and then reach the Barafu Hut. Crews will collect water from the last water stop
at Karanga Valley in morning, as there is no water at Barafu camp. Barafu is the Swahili word for
“ice” as it is a bleak and inhospitable camping area to spend the night. Totally exposed to the
ever-present gales the tents are pitched on a narrow, stony, and dangerous ridge. Make sure
that you familiarize yourself with the terrain before dark to avoid any accidents as this is a
dangerous area. The summit is now 1345m above you, and you will make the final ascent
tonight. Prepare your equipment, ski stick, and thermal clothing for your summit attempt.
Make sure and replace the batteries in your headlamp and camera and make sure you have a
spare set available as well. To prevent freezing, it would be wise to carry your water in a
thermal flask. Go to bed around 7 PM and try to get some good. Try not to sleep more than 5
Day 6: SUMMIT ATTEMPT Barafu camp (4550m) – Uhuru Peak (5895m) – Mweka Camp
Hiking time: 8 hours to reach Uhuru Peak 7/8 hours to descend to Mweka camp Distance: ~ 7
km ascent – 23 km descent

Habitat: Stone scree and ice-capped summit
You will rise around 11:30 PM and have some hot tea and biscuits before you shuffle off into
the night. You will head in a northwesterly direction and ascend through heavy scree towards
Stella Point on the crater rim. This 6-hour walk to Stella point is for many climbers the most
mentally and physically challenging part of the trip. At Stella Point (5685m) you will stop for a
short rest and will be rewarded with the most magnificent sunrise you will witness in your
lifetime (weather permitting). From Stella Point you will normally encounter snow to Uhuru
Peak (2 hour ascent). The time you will spend on the summit will depend on the weather
conditions. Do not stop here for too long, as it will be extremely difficult to start again due to
cold and fatigue. Enjoy your accomplishment as this is a day to remember for the rest of your
The walk back to Barafu from the summit will take about 3 hours. Here you will have a well
earned but short rest. You will then collect the rest of your gear before heading down to
Mweka hut (3100m). This route is not difficult and will take you down the rock and scree path
into the moorland and eventually into the forest. The camp is situated in the upper forest and
mist or rain can be expected in the late afternoon. Dinner and washing water will be prepared.
Drinking water, soft drinks, chocolate, and beer is available from the camp office if you so
Day 7 : Mweka camp (3100m)- Mweka Gate (1980m)
Hiking time: 3 hours
After Hot breakfast from in Mweka Campsite you will start walking slowly towards the
mountain gate the walk takes about 3hours to get to the Mweka campsite where our driver will
pick you and transfer you to the Hotel in Arusha.
The price is $1,850usd per person.


 Accommodation as per the itinerary.
 Pickup from the airport (Kilimanjaro International Airport) or bus terminal, and drop off when
climb finished
 Professional Mountain guide
 Daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner as per the itinerary.
 All Park entrance fees
 Rescue fees
 Porter’s allowance
 Professional mountain cook
 Transfer to and from the mountain gate
 Conservation fees

 Local government taxes
 Clean water


 Travel and personal health insurance
 All Internal or International flights and taxes
 All optional activities and any other extras not detailed in the above itinerary
 Tips and gratuities
 Alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic drinks
 Visas
 Passport
 Accommodation before and after safari

5 days Marangu Climbing Kilimanjaro is also referred to as the "Coca-Cola" route, as it is
considered to be the easiest path on the mountain, given its gradual slope and direct path. It is
the oldest and the most well established route on the Kilimanjaro. This is the only route which
offers sleeping huts in dormitory style. Guests are supplied with mattresses and pillows, but
sleeping bags are still required. The huts have communal dining halls, basic washrooms and
toilet. Short time frame of the route makes altitude acclimatization fairly difficult.
Kilimanjaro Climbing (trekking) route 5 days itinerary is fairly easy despite of its difficult at the
final part to the summit. Termed easier route, the route has encounter a highest failure rate
due to bad preparation and untimely attempt. The above situations have moved KINAPA
officials to put more emphasis and serious measures for those who climbing Mt Kilimanjaro on
Marangu route. All camps along this route have a good radio communication to the park office.
Some goods like mineral water, soft drinks, beer and chocolates are available in these camps.
The route approaches Mount Kilimanjaro from the southeast. Marangu is unfortunately less
scenic than the other routes because the ascent and descent are along the same path. It is also
the most crowded route for that reason. TRAVELLERS AFRICA offers Marangu Route climbing
for five and six days climb. The difference being five days climb does not have an
acclimatization day on day three at Horombo Hut.
Marangu route can be trekked in 5 days however, one additional day is advisable for
acclimatization at Horombo  camp. Marangu is the only route on this Mountain that offers hut
accommodation in beds and mattresses. The route can also be trekked in 6 days & more. Taking
6 days that means 1 day will be for acclimatization at Horombo hut which covers almost 96 km
long. Short Tanzania safari or beach holidays in Zanzibar can be combined with your Kilimanjaro
trekking on request.
Kilimanjaro trekking Marangu route 5 days  Itinerary
Duration: 5 Days 4 nights
Best Time to Climb: All year around
Day 1: Arrival Day
Meet and transfer from point of arrival Kilimanjaro/Arusha airport to the Planet Lodge in
Arusha or similar in Moshi. Briefing and gear checking before dinner & overnight.
Overnight at Planet Lodge in Arusha. Breakfast included.
Day 2: Arusha (1400 m) – Marangu gate at (1,980 m) – Mandara Hut (2700 m)
Walking approx. 12 km in 5 hours over montane forest and low alpine zone (moorland).
After breakfast at your lodge in Arusha, we will pick you up and drive to Marangu gate via
Moshi town & along villages, local farms of cassava, potatoes, maize, coffee & banana
plantation. On arrival at the gate you will sign in at the park office and your guide will work on

other Park formalities. The actual number of potters who will accompany you will depend on
things to be carried and each potter normally carry not more than 20 kg, you will carry your
lunch box, drinking water, clothes and other personal stuff. Potters are hiking first so once they
carry any of your things you will meet them at the camp.
Today, your Mt Kilimanjaro Climbing Marangu route 5 days starts by hiking up to Mandara hut
at (2700 m) your hiking will be through beautiful landscape of the mountain forest, little
streams and waterfalls Kisamboni picnic area the place for lunch can be reached after 1.5 hour
of walking from the park gate. From Kisamboni you will possibly need 1.5 hour to reach
Mandara hut (2,700 m). Vegetation type at this campsite is of low alpine zone and moorland,
accompanied with shrub and trees with lots of lichens.
Mandara area is located in a clear forest with wooden A-shaped framed huts and here is where
you will spend your first night in Kilimanjaro Mountain. Mandara huts can accommodate 60
people sleeping in bunks; each hut has 6-8 sleeping bunks. Water around this area is from the
spring and can be used for drinking, cooking and flushing toilets.
You can have a short walk to the Maundi crater where you can enjoy a good weather and
possibly see Mawenzi peak. Blue Monkeys, black and white coloubus Monkeys can be spotted
around this place.
Each day when arriving at the huts you will have tea/coffee & some bites then hot water to
wash before changing clothes you have been hiking with. On mountain we say stay warm all the
time. Dinner will be served before going to bed.
Overnight at Mandara Hut (2700 m). All meals included.
Day 3: Mandara Hut (2700 m) – Horombo Hut (3,720 m)
Walking approx. 15 km. hiking hours 6 (moorland zone).
After light breakfast, your second hiking day on Kilimanjaro Marangu route starts, this day you
will hike along the last patches of the forest past the other side of Maundi crater and soon you
will reach the moorland vegetation zone.
This area is dominated by heather, Lobelia Deckenii and lovely Dendrosenecio kilimanjari. With
a good weather condition you can have a great view of both Kibo and Mawenzi. Reach
Horombo huts and if you wish you can bath with hot water before dinner and sleep in a
luxurious bed.
Horombo huts have a capacity of 120 people all sleeping in beds and it is small village and the
only huts at Kilimanjaro with beds. At this camp nights tends to be very cold please be
prepared. Arriving at the camp same procedures will follow just as much as the previous day.
Overnight at Horombo Hut (3,720 m). All meals included.
Day 4: Horombo Hut (3,720 m) – Kibo Hut (4,700 m)
Walking approx. 15 km. in 6 hours (Alpine desert).

Your Hiking day will start after breakfast. Saddle the area in-between Mawenzi and Kibo can be
reached in two different routes, through the upper route which is eroded and stormy or by
taking the lower route which is easier and most recommended where you can pass near the
water point at (4,200 m) which is the last in this route.
Fill your bottles with enough drinking water as this will be the last water point before reaching
Horombo huts again, otherwise you can buy mineral water or soft drinks at Kibo huts. If you
wish you can take a short break at this Last water point and perhaps sit at the picnic site for
You will reach Kibo huts at (4700 m) after 2 walking hours. Kibo hut is at the barren Alpine
desert with only grasses and everlasting flowers. Kibo huts are built with stone blocks and have
60 bunk beds and platform toilets. Arriving at the camp same procedures will follow as previous
Overnight at Kibo Hut (4700 m). All meals include.
Day 5: Summit attempt: Kibo Hut (4,700 m) – Uhuru peak 5,895 m & back to Horombo Hut
(3,720 m)
Walking approx. 6 km ascent and 21 km descent for in 8 hrs. on rocky, ice-capped summit.
The final part of your Mt Kilimanjaro climbing Marangu route 5 days will be at night. After
dinner you guide will give you a detailed briefing on how it will be, so you will prepare all
needed equipment before going to sleep as the trekking will start around mid-night time will
depend on your pace. Things to be prepared for this attempt are thermal clothing, ski-stick, and
thermal flask for water, hand warmers, batteries and headlamp among others. (We will brief
you here in Arusha & go through your Gears).
Depending on your pace you can possibly wake up at 23:00 or 23:30 and have some tea and
biscuits before starting. You will face a challenging part of your Mt Kilimanjaro climbing at the
beginning which is rough and rocky path.
On the way you will pass Williams Point at (5,000 m), Hans Meyer Cave at (5,150 m) and
Gillman’s point at (5,681 m) positioned on the crater rim. To reach Hans Meyer Cave from Kibo
hut you will spend almost two and a half hours. Gilman’s point is placed just a short distance
from Hans Meyer Cave, it is about an hour to get there.
From Gilman’s point you will possibly need not less than 1 hour and a half to reach the summit.
The rest of your climbing all the way up to Uhuru Peak will be covered with snow and the
walking will be along the crater rim. Stella point at (5,752 m) will be passed on the way and this
is the point where other Kilimanjaro routes reach the rim.
Marangu route 5 days tours continue and at this point your about to reach the summit but it
can be of a great challenge. Woow! You have reach the Uhuru Peak the highest point in Africa,
Kilimanjaro Mountain, (Congratulation!)

Spend some minutes at the summit taking pictures but not much longer at this altitude before
starting your way down and back to Kibo hut at (4,700 m) where lunch will be served, proceed
further down to Horombo hut at (3720 m), you will need almost 3 hours. Reaching the Camp
same procedures will follow washing, coffee/tea etc.  Dinner will be served there and you will
spend a night at the luxurious beds.
Overnight at Horombo Hut (3720 m). All Meals included.
Day 6: Horombo Hut (3720 M) – Marangu gate at 1,980 m – then drive to Arusha
Walking approx. 27 km for 6 hrs across low alpine zone, moorland and montane forest.
Breakfast at Horombo hut before starting your last day downwards from Kilimanjaro.
Have lunch and some rest at Mandara hut (2700) on your way down, hopeful the path is
familiar as you have passed here on your first day.
Reaching Marangu gate, you will provide some details to the register and you will be given a
summit certificate, if reached Gilmann’s Point you will have a green certificate & for Uhuru
Peak the actual Summit is a gold certificate. Tips for potters and guides are recommended &
this can be done at Horombo gate in the morning when celebrating before descending to
Marangu Hut.
Meet you driver at the gate who will transfer you back to Arusha/Moshi for overnight or drop
off to the airport (Accommodation in Arusha/Moshi can be arranged upon request at extra
Breakfast & lunch included.
Congratulation you are among the heroes who have successfully Climbing Mt
Kilimanjaro Marangu route in 5 days.
Mt Kilimanjaro climbing Marangu route 5 days can be extended to more days on Kilimanjaro
and can as well combined with our short Tanzania safari package or Zanzibar beach vacation or
both. Let us know your wishes. Karibu Sana!
End of the Service.
Prices for Marangu Route 5 Days Itinerary with VAT
For 1 Person $ 1,777
For 2 Person $ 1,475 per person
For 3 Person $ 1,386 per person
For 4 Person $ 1,313 per person
All transfers
1 Night accommodation at Arusha
Return transfer Arusha Marangu

Overnight stays in mountain Huts
Professional & well experienced Mountain guides, chef & porters
All entry fees & hut fees
Rescue fees
All meals while on the Mountain
Guides, Porters & chef salaries and entry fees
Quality Mess tents with table and chairs
Large portions of fresh, healthy nutritious food
Clean, purified drinking water
Crisis management and safety procedures
Fair and ethical treatment of porters
Government value added tax VAT
Sleeping bag, please bring your own sleeping bag but still you can rent it in Arusha town at
reasonable price paid once for the whole trip
Flight tickets
Accommodation in Arusha on the last day.
Tanzania Visa.
Gratuity/ Tips for Kilimanjaro climbing Crew.
All items of a personal nature (e.g. laundry, telephone, beverages etc.)
Meals not listed above.
Join us again for a memorable Kilimanjaro trekking on Marangu route 5 days

About Kilimanjaro Mountain.


This is a difficult question and a personal one. We usually recommend the Machame, Rongai or Lemosho routes which offers more beautiful scenery. It is very manageable even for those with little experience, provided an honest effort is put forth in training. As for the Marangu route, it is the quickest route and the one where you sleep in huts instead of campsites. It is very commonly called ‘Coca-cola route’ because it is the easiest one but acclimatization needs to be done carefully and, if possible you should climb it in 6 days (instead of 5) and sleep one night or two in Arusha/Moshi before the trek. Finally, Umbwe route is a spectacular and fantastic route as well, but only recommended for more experienced climbers.

Mount Kilimanjaro can be climbed throughout the year with successful summits possible even during the rainy season.  Daytime temperature can range from a bone-chilling five degree to a merciless 30 degrees Celsius.

Night temperatures drop well below freezing level.  The higher rainfall occurs between March and May with slightly less falling during November and December.  Generally the best time to climb Kilimanjaro would be during the dry seasons in January, February, June, July august, September and October.

Although February and September are the driest and best periods to plan your climb, the other dry months can also have some pretty good weather.

We have a specific link for these recommendations which you can access by clicking here

Safety is the most important consideration in a trek like this and we do everything to make sure that safety is the priority and the trekkers are always looked after .Our teams of guides have long time experience with first aid medical knowledge on the mountain which guarantees your safety. We carry oxygen tanks on each climb for emergency on the mountain. We check the clients every morning and evening by using pulse Oximeter during the climb.  Pulse Oximeter is used to check blood oxygen saturation regularly throughout the climb.  This allows the guide to determine how clients’ body is adapting to the reduced amount of oxygen at the higher altitude. If clients’ oxygen saturation is below an acceptable level, we have emergency oxygen as stated above. Our guides now carry a stretcher in case of emergency for carrying casualty down to the place where there is 4 x 4.

They start and finish in Moshi.

  1. Transport from JRO airport
  2. A night before and after the trek on bed and English
  3. Transfer to and from the gate
  4. Tents (Four season, 3 person mountain tent – double occupancy), chairs and table
  5. Mattress (Sleeping pad foam 1.5 inches thick)
  6. First aid kit/Bottled of oxygen/pulse Oximeter
  7. Park fees, Camping fees and Rescue fees
  8. Forest fees where applicable
  9. Guides and porters fees as per government regulations, their food and public liability insurance for the porters/guides
  10. Value Added Tax (VAT) and other government taxes
  1. Transport back to the airport
  2. 3 liters of water for the first day
  3. Drinks
  4. Tips for guides and porters
  5. Food for the first and last night at the hotel
  6. Personal equipment for mountain climbing

Yes, transfer from Kilimanjaro airport is included; back to the airport is also included in the package. We do offer two nights’ accommodation before/after the trek.

Our treks usually finish around 1pm to 4pm in Moshi. If the flight is in the evening, it is perfectly ok.

The rate varies between 95% and 99% depending on the routes, with the highest success level being Machame, Lemosho and Rongai routes, and the lowest being Marangu and Umbwe.

Great menu on Mountain are designed specifically for climbers. A nutrient-rich, carb-heavy dinner consisting of whole grains, beans, and fruits to store glycogen—your fuel source for climbing. For example, whole wheat pasta with red sauce and veggies or chicken and avocado provide an ideal blend of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. Our clients do comment as how surprised they were able to get such good energy food on the mountain.

For your hygiene, hand washing water treated with Dettol is made available before all meals.

We are able to accommodate any specific dietary requirement (vegetarian, vegan, halal, kosher, gluten-free, specific allergies, etc.).

There are public toilets at each camp site. These are known as ‘long drop’ toilets. They are wooden permanent buildings. But inside… it’s quite different as they are just a deep dug hole in the ground, where essentially you squat or stand. There are no seats as such. These public toilets facilities are provided and maintained by the Kilimanjaro National Park.

We also have an option of providing private portable toilet. This is a simple chemical toilet. But this comes at extra cost of US$250 per toilet for the entire trip (subject to availability)

Porters, guides and cooks will be very important part of your trek on Kilimanjaro and it is important to us that they are treated fairly. We are a member of Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project’s (KPAP)- The project works to ensure the working conditions are improved for porters and also ensure the fair treatment guidelines are met.

Of course, these are always at your discretion. We recommend an amount of USD250-USD300 per climber, this will be distributes among the group i.e. head guide, assistants guides, cook waiter, dish washer, camping crew and the other porters. Please let the management know if your guide/porters press you for tips as they have all been forbidden to do this. We recommend you distribute the tips to the crew directly at the end of the climb

When you book your climb we shall also ask you to send us a deposit of $140 per person ($85 is non-refundable deposit paid to the national park to secure your booking).  In the event of cancellation within 30 days of your arrival, no money will be refunded. However, if you cancel earlier than that, your $55 per person deposit will be returned.

When you arrive, payment may be made in US dollars or £ sterling, (cash) or by credit card (Visa, Master Card). We do not accept Traveler’s Cheques. There is a service charge of 5% for credit cards.

We recommend getting the visa upon arrival as it is a very straightforward process and just takes a few minutes. We recommend bringing a pen and the money for the visas in cash to make the process faster. The price is $50 USD for all nationalities except citizens from the USA who have to pay $100 USD per person.

All nationalities can get a visa upon arrival except citizens of the following countries: Abkhazia (Republic inside Georgia), Eriterea Republic, Mauritania Republic, Sri Lanka Republic, Turkmanistan, Afghanistan Republic, Ethiopia, Morocco, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh Republic, Kazakhstan Republic, Niger Republic, Somali Land, Wakimbizi (REFUGEES), Chad Repubic, Kyrgyzsten Republic, Palestine State, Stateless People, Djibout Republic, Lebanon Republic, Senegal Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Mali Republic, Sierra Leone Republic and Tajikstan.

There is some mobile or cellular coverage on Kilimanjaro but reception may be inconsistent and network signals weak depending on which route you are on and where on the mountain. If you have a phone call that needs to be made during the trek please speak with your guide and he may be able to arrange. Your cellular/mobile phone will work in Arusha and Moshi.

When you arrive in Nairobi we can arrange for Impala shuttle to meet you and either brings you straight to Keys Hotel in Moshi. If you arrive later in the day, you will be taken to a hotel in Nairobi.  You will then be collected on the following morning and be brought to Keys Hotel. The journey takes about 6 or 7 hours and Costs around $35 per person one way.

Otherwise there is an option of flying with Kenya airways or precision from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport to Kilimanjaro International Airport.

If flying into Dar es salaam

There are several coaches (we recommend Kilimanjaro express) comes daily from Dar to Moshi (about $20 per person). We can make arrangement for one of our staff to assist you with both transport and hotel for the night in Dar es Salaam.


Contact us.


275,Sombetini Road, 275, Arusha, Tanzania Phone:+255655707352



Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm