About us: Volunteer FAQ

Facts About Us


Volunteering while traveling abroad opens the door to many new and
exhilarating possibilities. Volunteering creates a feeling of personal satisfaction.
It grants you a privilege not afforded to the typical tourist: a unique opportunity
to experience local everyday life while making a positive impact.
o Volunteering abroad immerses you in a new culture which improves your
language skills, gives insight of a culture from the inside out and hopefully
broadens your view of the World.

Travellers Africa offers customized program placements and provides one-on-
one personalized experiences. We cater to the individual looking for a unique
volunteer travel experience. Knowing that people often have a limited time
frame, we offer both short and long term placements ranging from 1 week to 3
months. We know that people like choices. For our programs you get to choose
where you go, when and for how long. We do not have fixed start dates;
however, we recommend you arrive in-country on a Saturday or Sunday if

Only you can answer this question. Volunteering in another country can be both
challenging and rewarding. Our programs are not summer camps. You will not
have every minute of every work day planned for you. You must be an inventive,
self-starter who can handle situations where schedules are occasionally non-
existent and resources are scarce.
o Flexibility and patience are the keys to having a satisfying experience.
Developing countries, in particular are not as obsessed with time as the US or
Europe. Often schedules are ignored or appointments begin later than arranged.
NGOs, international non-profits and volunteer organizations are almost always
understaffed. If you are willing and able to except this, volunteering abroad can
lead to an unlimited feeling of personal satisfaction.

You are not paying for your volunteer work; you are making a financial
contribution to support the hundreds of needy communities where our
programs are based. Donations are helping to stimulate the local economies
with hosting jobs, with new constructions at local schools and orphanages, with
much needed medical supplies to rural clinics. Travellers Africa works tirelessly
year round to support our volunteers, and also to serve the local communities

where we are based. As a non religious, non government agency, we receive
100% of our funding from the volunteer program donations.

o Yes! We know the cost of volunteering abroad can be extremely daunting. There
are transportation costs, program fees, visa/vaccinations expenses to consider,
and then your everyday living costs while you're away. After you submit your
application and US$230 deposit which is part of your given program placement
then, we will email you a fundraising guideline with helpful information.

We accept volunteers 17 years and older. We do not have a maximum age limit
in place, as an increasing number of volunteers are retirees. As long as you are
physically and mentally healthy with an open mind you shouldn't have any
problems participating on our programs.* Children traveling with their parents
must be 12 years and older.

No. We accept participants from all countries.

70% goes directly overseas into the Travellers Africa programs: volunteer
housing, meals, airport transportation, in the form of salaries for local staff;
project coordinator expenses as well as direct financial aid year round.
We allocated a small percentage of the program fee for our US overhead
administrative expenses and salaries. We also use a percentage for on-going
recruitment, marketing project development costs, travel expenses. Our
company goal is to be sustainable and offer professional support and services.
We cannot do this without the volunteer program fee.

We offer short term programs ranging from 1 to 4 weeks, as long term
placements up to 3 months. Some projects can extend up to 6 months. Most
volunteers commit to a 2 week program allowing enough time to acclimate to
their new surroundings as well as complete orientation and still feel as though
they made a contribution to the program.

Yes, you need a passport, with an expiration that is no less than 6 months from
the time of travel. Visa requirements differ by country, based on the length of
time and nationality of the volunteer. Please check the local embassy within your

home country about specific requirements. You can find information on our
News & Travel Links page.

Most people will sign up 3-6 months prior to traveling. You should apply no later
than 30 days before your intended start date. Some exceptions can be made for
last minute traveling, please contact us for more details.

o Most countries do require some vaccinations. We urge participants to consult a
travel doctor at least two months before arriving in the host country, to discuss
any necessary immunizations and for advice on staying healthy while traveling.
You can find more information from  www.who.int .

Yes, you do. We aim to be as flexible as possible and allow our volunteers to pick
their travel dates, carrier and times of departure.

Travellers Africa does not provide insurance for the simple reason that we think
our participants should be able to decide on the nature of your coverage. Some
insurance are very inexpensive (US$50 covers health and travel insurance while

Yes! We can arrange for you to live and work together in the same host family
and placement.

There are no qualifications necessary except for our medical programs. These
programs are available for medical professionals or medical/nursing students.
There is no TEFL or teaching qualifications needed for our teaching programs.

Most schools, clinics and orphanages which you will be placed in are very under
resource. Supplies from home that would be of benefit to you should be taken
with you. Or, as most volunteers do, buy supplies locally once they arrive in-
country. Medical volunteers should bring their own lab coats and rubber gloves.

This varies depending on the country and program. In Asia and Africa the
programs are conducted in English, except in Morocco where conversational
French is required.

When you submit the online application, we ask for a copy of your resume/CV as
well as a personal reference. We review the details you sent to us, we speak to
your contact reference and follow up with a phone interview with you to
determine you are suitable for a placement.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss our programs in more detail,
please don't hesitate to contact us by emailing  info@travellersafrica.com  or
calling us or whats app as at: +255 767707352

Payment is required in US$ dollars. We accept payment through
Worldremit.com,sendwave.com and bank wire transfer payment

Most people will sign up 3-9 months prior to traveling. You should apply no later
than 45 days before your intended start date; if you are on the deadline you
should summit all the paperwork and the full payment the same day. Some
exceptions can be made for last minute traveling, please contact us for more

You are expected to work 30 to 40 hours a week, 6-8 hours a day, the
supervisors should be notified when you arrive and leave the program each day.
If there is a holiday you may take the holiday as well or informed your
coordinator you will take that day off. Some countries may have holidays while
you are volunteer and programs may be closed for some days, you can be placed
in another program in the meantime or you can take off and tour the city.

When you are doing the Cultural Immersion Program, it's your responsibility to
call the Language School and informed them if you are sick and that you can't
assist to the lesson, if you don't do so, you will lose that class with no option to
recover that day. If you call in advance 12hrs you can reschedule your lesson.

This varies from location to location. Specifics can be found on the program pages. 
Housing options can be host family,
shared volunteer house or on-site dorm style housing.   In terms of accommodations,
Travellers Africa guarantees safe and clean
housing based on local standards (not always US standards).   Most accommodations do
not include internet or laundry, which
you should budget $ for separately.  Volunteers are not permitted to stay longer than
their pre-determined project period.

Our local partners are NGO's, private institutions and community organizations
dedicated to the improvement of their communities. They are leaders in the
community and social activists knowledgeable in the needs of their society and
offer insight and guidance to our volunteers. They believe in the benefit of
international assistance and value our volunteer's time, skills and knowledge.

The Country Coordinator and staff will pick you up from the airport in the Host
Country if you timely inform Us of your flight schedule, in writing, at least four
weeks in advance of Your arrival in the Host Country. Unfortunately, travel
delays in developing countries are a common occurrence. If, due to unforeseen
circumstances, you are delayed or miss a flight, it is your responsibility to contact
the Country Coordinator or Travellers Africa US office. You will also be provided
an emergency telephone number to reach the Travellers Africa US office to
report any delays.

Our programs are customized and individual based. This being said, you will
never be isolated. Our hosting organizations receive volunteers year round, so
you may have the chance to meet other volunteers. You also have the support of
the Project Coordinator, the local staff at the organization you with at and the
host family that you live with.

Yes, most programs are based Monday-Friday, with weekends free. Volunteers
often take this opportunity to arrange weekend getaways to places of interest.
Most volunteers travel extensively after the end of their placements, our Project
Coordinators can give suggestions and tips for trips.

For volunteers working in schools it is more or less the same working hours as
you would find in Western countries. Hours for orphanages will be more flexible.
Volunteers should expect to work 7-8 hours per day (5 days a week).

We provide in-country orientation on arrival to help familiarize you with the city
where you will be living. You will be shown how to use public transportation,
where to exchange money, local restaurants and a general sightseeing tour of
the city you will live in. Prior to your departure for your hometown, we will send
you information on the project, health advice, what to pack, currency and visa

Yes, we have a local Project Coordinator in all of our host countries. The
Travellers Africa Project Coordinator is responsible for the airport transfers,
placement orientation, and introduction to the local accommodations or home
stay arrangements. Our Travellers Africa Project Coordinators are natives of our
host countries. Our Coordinators are professionals, fully trained and enthusiastic
about sharing knowledge and love of their country.

The majority of our volunteers live with a local host family. These families have a
working relationship with Travellers Africa and are deemed suitable by our
Project Coordinators based on sanitation, security and comfort. A home stay
provides firsthand insight into the local culture and helps with learning the local
language. It also acts as an additional in-country support network. In some
locations, a local guesthouse or shared volunteer accommodations are provided.
Although you should not expect western standards, the accommodation are
good by local standards, clean and secure. Although we cannot guarantee to
meet all requests, we will let you if there are accommodation options for your
specific program location.

What happens if I do? Most volunteers do not experience any major medical
problems. The most common complaint is an upset stomach as one's body is
introduced to new foods. If take sensible precautions and follow the guidelines
we suggest on healthy traveling (such as using bottled water and avoid eating
uncooked food) you should not have any major issues. There are several medical
facilities in all the places we work. However, if you do have any serious medical
complaints you are advised to contact our Project Coordinators for immediate
hands-on assistance.

Yes, we can arrange long term placements. Please contact us for more details.

We choose our locations based on the stability of the government, low crime
rates, security and the integrity of the hosting community. We have a local
Project Coordinator on-site in each city for assistance. By taking basic
precautions and knowing basic "street smarts" you should not have any
problems traveling abroad.

There are two airports around Arusha. The Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) and
the Arusha Airport (ARK), cheapest flights are usually to JRO, so that should be your first

We are neither doctors nor tropical medicine experts! We strongly recommend you to
make an appointment with a specialist to get advice. Further information might also be
found on your Foreign Ministry’s website and/or the World Health Organization’s

To volunteer in Tanzania a volunteer visa is required. Most countries can easily obtain it
on arrival at the airport. It costs 230-250 US-Dollar, 300 US-Dollar for US-Americans, is
valid for three months and can be renewed once. If you plan on staying longer than six
months you need to apply for a Resident Permit C which costs 1.000 US-Dollar and is
valid six months to two years.

We recommend you have insurance for your time in Tanzania. Health care is not
expensive but in case of any emergencies your insurance may take you to your home
country for better treatment. Please contact your local insurance for advice on which
foreign health insurance is the best for you.

Fluctuation in the exchange rate are common but currently
1 Euro = 2.600 Tsh
1 GBP = 2.850 Tsh
1 Dollar = 2.300 Tsh

English and Swahili are both official languages in Tanzania, although English is not widely

spoken. We will make sure that there is at least one person in every project who speaks
English and at the same time, you will have the chance to learn Swahili while in Arusha
to make your everyday life easier.

ATM’s are widely spread in town. It is best to use a Visa Card. MasterCard’s don’t work
with all ATM’s and you should not bring Traveler Checks since it’s almost impossible to
exchange them to cash.

Washing machines are not common in Tanzania. That means that either you wash your
clothes by hand or our mama’s can wash them for you for a small fee.

Sim cards cost as little as 5.000 Tsh and you can get them everywhere. While on the
town tour, we will buy one with you so that you can make calls and use the internet to
stay connected with friends and family.

That’s a question we actually can’t answer because that depends on your personal
spending habits. However, we want to give you an idea about prices for your planning:
bus rides in town cost 400 Tsh, Motorbike taxis start from 1.000 Tsh and Taxis from
3.000 Tsh onward. Local meals start from 2.500 Tsh and if you are looking for Western
food you have to calculate around 15.000 Tsh. A beer cost between 2.500 and 5.000 Tsh
and cocktails start from 10.000 Tsh. Fabrics for the tailor start from 12.000 Tsh and
tailor made clothes start from 10.000 Tsh. Souvenirs can be found from 3.000 Tsh

Our house is secured through a more than two meter high wall, a night guard and our
two dogs. Like everywhere in the world you are safe if you stick to basic rules like taking
a taxi when it’s dark rather than walking. But don’t worry, once you are here we will let
you know all Do’s and Dont’s.

Generally you don’t need specific previous knowledge to participate in our projects, but
you should be open to new cultures and other ways of life and have at least basic
English knowledge. If you are creative, resilient and tidy all the better! Should you need
certain requirements for a project, you can refer to the project descriptions.

First of all: The longer you work in a project, the more you and the project will benefit.
The first days will be for settling in: How do I get to the project? What are my tasks?

Nevertheless, we want to take into account the situation of our
volunteers and interns, so the minimum stay is two weeks. Due to visa regulations you
can spend a maximum of two years as a volunteer or intern in Tanzania.

You can choose between a single room or dorm in the hostel and our host family, simply
let us know on the registration form

Highlights of our programs:

275,Sombetini Road, P.o.box 275, Arusha, Tanzania Phone:+255655707352


info@travelers Africa.com

Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm