Family Volunteering

Family Volunteering

Do you want to share your wonderful volunteer experience with the people you love most?

Parents who want to instill the value of contribution and service within their children will find exactly what they are looking for with family volunteering. Travel with your family to some of the most unique, family-friendly destinations like Thailand and Bali. Prepare for an experience where you will not only learn more about the project but also about your family! Share this special experience with those you love and reap the benefits for years to come.

Volunteer organizations are always looking for helping hands. The days we thought volunteering was also for single people in their twenties, are long gone. Volunteer organizations are now also welcoming those with families and children. What’s better than sharing the volunteer abroad experience with those closes to you? Volunteer as a family and gain awareness about what’s going on in the world and instill the importance of contribution amongst your kids early on.

What is Family Volunteering?

Volunteering is the act of dedicating time to a project that is focused on improving the circumstances of a community or the environment. Family volunteering enables families with kids to join the projects so they can share the volunteer experience and help the community or the environment together with their loved ones by their side.

The Pros and Cons of Family Volunteering

If you’re determined to make a difference during your next holiday, why not integrate a family volunteer program into your holiday plan? This way, you get the best of both worlds. You get to spend quality time together while experiencing the incredible benefits of giving back to others. Before you head off to book your first family volunteer trip, let’s take a closer look at the potential pros and cons:


  • The opportunity to volunteer abroad and contribute to a meaningful cause together with your family and those you care about most.
  • Create awareness about what is going on in the world among children.
  • You get the chance to connect with the local community together with those close to you. It is a great opportunity for cultural interchange.
  • Participants will see their travel destination in a different.
  • Benefiting from the positive aspects of volunteering without sacrificing time with your family.
  • Meeting and connecting with other like-minded individuals and their kids.


  • Not everyone may be as enthusiastic about dedicating their time to volunteering.
  • It may be tricky to decide on a volunteer program that everyone in the is excited about.
  • Depending on the age of the children, some projects may not be accessible.
  • Volunteering abroad can have a powerful effect on people. If you have younger kids, it may require you to be supportive of their emotions.
Why opt for Family Volunteering?

If you’re eager to volunteer but worried about leaving your loved ones behind, then family volunteering is right up your alley. You will gain experience in volunteering, contribute to a meaningful cause and not only learn a great deal about the challenges others are facing on a daily basis but most likely also learn a lot about your family.

How will you make a difference?
By introducing children to volunteering, you will be setting a precedent for them to carry on volunteering in the future. The world really needs more volunteers which is why volunteer organizations are creating programs where volunteers can contribute as a family. The most important aspect of a families volunteering program is the cultural interchange and social contact between your family and the local community. Gaining awareness about the volunteer destination will change the way your family views the world.

What kind of Volunteering Projects are there for Families?

Have you decided where you want to go together? What about the kind of project you would like to help with? It’s important to take into account the age of the different family members so everyone benefits from this unique experience. Here are some of the possibilities that are easy to do together with children:

  • Work at an animal conservation center or sanctuary
  • Agricultural or farm work
  • Cultural immersion programs
  • Environmental conservation

There are several options. The age of the kids will play an important role when choosing the project. Make sure to contact the organization to check what the minimum age is for young participants.

How to choose the right volunteer program?

The most important aspect of choosing a great program is that you do enough research on the different volunteer organizations and try to answer the following questions:

  • What does the organization stand for?
  • What is their objective and how are they trying to achieve it?
  • How are the funds they receive spent?
  • How do you think you will contribute?
  • What do you think the effect of your volunteer work will be?

Read up on the organization, read reviews and ask previous volunteers about their past experience with the organization. There are wonderful organizations that are doing very responsible work.

Best places for volunteer abroad family programs

There are projects available worldwide that will welcome your family. Take this opportunity to explore the world together with your loved ones and give back to less fortunate communities. Whether you’re adventurous and want to take care of elephants in Thailand or prefer a sustainable farming project in Costa Rica, there are several opportunities for family volunteering. Bali is another common destination for families to volunteer because of its laidback and friendly vibe. Volunteers who are afraid of a culture shock or don’t want to travel too far can also apply for opportunities closer to home. Family volunteer opportunities are waiting for your family’s help.

Top 5 benefits of volunteering as a family

Join one of the family volunteering projects and you will help the communities of your project destination while you embark on an unforgettable adventure with your partner and kids. Volunteering is usually linked to positive things. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits you can expect:

  1. Valuable Learning Opportunities

Choosing to volunteer with your loved ones will open up a new world. You will learn about the country and culture and interact with the local community. Learn from them and give back by helping where you can. Do this together as a family and you’ll be sure to learn a great deal about each other.

  1. Meet new people– You will meet other volunteers and travelers who are also volunteering with their family. What a great opportunity to connect with like-minded fellow volunteers. Build meaningful relationships with the other families and the locals. Take the time to allow cultural interaction to unfold.
  1. New Experiences-This is a brilliant way to expand your perspective on life. Issues that seemed huge problems before, may seem trivial after your volunteer experience. Become grateful for the simple things in life and instill these values in your children by sharing the volunteer experience with them. Rest assured they will come back with a different worldview.
  1. Health Improvements-Traveling and contributing are two ingredients that practically guarantee happiness. Supporting a meaningful cause will give you a sense a purpose as a family. A happy family tends to be a healthy family. Do a family volunteering and see what kind of benefits you will enjoy as a family.
  1. Travel-This is your chance to explore and discover some of the most interesting places the world has to offer together with your family. You’ll be doing this while contributing to a meaningful cause. What could be more exciting than doing this together?
How do I get started with Family Volunteering?

You’re ready to do a family volunteering project but you’re not quite sure where to start? First of all, have a look at the different programs across the globe, and pick a few programs that have caught your attention.

Once you’ve done that, let’s take a look at the first 3 steps which will send you on your way to volunteer abroad with your family:

  1. Check whether there’s a match between your family and the project by looking at their requirements. Age may be an important factor here.
  2. Take a look at the location of the project and decide whether it would be a place your family is excited to go to.
  3. Get in touch with the organization and see whether your expectations and schedules match up.
Once this is sorted. Let’s take a look at the practical steps:

Insurance (Health & travel)

We recommend getting both health and travel insurance. In fact, this is even a requirement for all volunteer programs abroad. Get in touch with your program contact person to find out if an insurance plan is already in place for volunteers.

Visa, Passport, and Documentation

Once you know your destination, take the following 3 steps before setting off on your life-changing adventure!

  1. Look into the visa requirements for the country your family will volunteer in
  2. Make sure everyone has valid passports considering the requirements of the host country
  3. Make sure you prepare the correct documents to fulfill the visa application

The world is waiting for more families to volunteer. Take this opportunity to contribute to a meaningful cause abroad and help as a family. Be sure this international experience will undoubtedly make your family bond even stronger than it already was.

If you’re short on time but keen to volunteer, we have just the thing for you. Many of us dream of making a difference in the world but are simultaneously working on careers or building a family that also require our attention. What if we told you that you can do it all? There’s no need to quit your job or do anything drastic but you can still make a meaningful difference. Identifying the need for projects that are accessible for limited time periods, Volunteer World has identified the need for short-term volunteer projects. Experience all the benefits of volunteering without any of the sacrifices and volunteer for one of the non-religious mission trips on the website.

At Volunteer World, we believe that volunteering should be accessible to everyone. There are countless volunteer organizations out there and they are all in need of enthusiastic volunteers who are willing to lend a hand to their projects. There’s no need to give up everything to be part of something meaningful. Volunteering is now for everyone willing to help out and spare a few days of their time. Continue reading to learn more about non-religious mission trips and how you can help.

What is the difference between volunteering abroad and mission trips abroad?

Volunteering is when someone decides to dedicate time to a project that is focused on improving the circumstances of a community or the environment. Volunteer organizations generally put in a lot of work to train volunteers. This is why some projects require volunteers to stay for at least a few weeks. There’s a shift going on however in the volunteer landscape with projects welcoming volunteers for shorter periods of time. These are also known as non-religious mission trips.

Students, people on a sabbatical or retirees may be able to dedicate themselves to a project for longer periods of time but there’s a large group of the population for who this simply isn’t an option. Mission trips are short-term volunteers trips that can be done for 1-4 weeks. This gives everyone the opportunity to volunteer and experience the incredible benefits of a volunteer trip.

Volunteer on a mission trip abroad and join a meaningful cause. Being busy doesn’t need to hold you back from volunteering. Whether you’re between jobs or taking a long-awaited holiday, volunteering is still an option. Projects abroad are aware of the time constraints and have created volunteer opportunities where volunteers can make a difference even if they can’t do it for weeks at a time.

The Pros and Cons of mission trips abroad

If you’re determined to make a difference during your next holiday, why not integrate a mission trip into your holiday plan? This way, you get the best of both worlds. The freedom to travel while taking the time to do something for the community of your holiday destination. With non-religious mission trips entering the picture, being short on time is no longer an excuse for not volunteering. There are countless projects and programs waiting for your help. Before you plan your first mission trip, let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of mission trips.


  • The opportunity to volunteer and contribute for a limited period of time.
  • This is a great opportunity to try out different volunteer projects and programs abroad.
  • You will learn a lot about the region you volunteer in but also about volunteering. It is a great opportunity for cultural interchange.
  • The chance to connect with the local community.
  • Participants will see a different side of their travel destination.
  • Benefiting from the positive aspects of volunteering without sacrificing career or family.
  • You will meet other like-minded individuals.


  • The time spent on the program is limited which may not allow you to connect as profoundly with your volunteer organization.
  • It’s always important to do your due diligence with regards to the organization to know where the funds are invested in. It is always advisable to do some research to make sure the local organization is offering a sustainable service to the community.
  • When working with children, it can be hard on them when volunteers come and go. Exposing vulnerable children to volunteers for short periods of time can have a negative impact.

Inspiring reasons for going on a mission trip

If you’re eager to volunteer but have a family, a job or other responsibilities that you simply can’t leave behind for long, a mission trip is exactly what you’re looking for. You will gain experience in volunteering, contribute to a meaningful cause and learn a great deal about the challenges others are facing on a daily basis.

Will you be making a difference?
It’s fair to say that organizations prefer volunteers to dedicate themselves for longer periods of time. The longer you stay, the more tasks and responsibilities you will have. This doesn’t mean that a shorter stay is meaningless. The most important thing that will happen during a mission trip program is the cultural interchange and social contact between the volunteer and the locals. Gaining awareness about your volunteer destination will undoubtedly change the way you view the world afterward. Small changes do go a long way.

Is volunteering in developing countries condescending?
There are claims that if you volunteer overseas that you’re portraying a message that these communities are unable to solve problems on their own. This mainly refers to programs that aren’t addressing the root problem and are exploiting both the community and the volunteers for personal gains. The goal of a mission trip should always be to empower local communities and give them the support they need to build a better future. Reputable organizations understand the needs of the community and are dedicated to helping the community progress.

Although the time of your volunteer trip may be short, that doesn’t mean your efforts are not of help. As a volunteer on a mission trip, you will gain a deeper understanding of what is going on in that part of the world. You will carry this awareness with you and undoubtedly share it with others after your experiences. All mission trips will have an impact. Whether it is a unique connection you have with one of the locals or a lesson you were able to bring across to children during an English class.

Volunteer trips are an excellent opportunity to find out whether volunteering for longer periods is suitable for you. We’re confident that it will open a whole new world for you.

What kind of mission trips are there?

The point of a mission trip abroad is to gain volunteer experience during a short-term period and contribute to one of the projects. There are so many possibilities available that it will come down to where you want to go and what skills you have to offer. Here are some of the possibilities:

  • Teaching children or young adults
  • Work at an animal conservation center or sanctuary
  • Cultural immersion programs
  • Community support
  • Youth development
  • Environmental conservation

There are countless options. It’s a matter of preference and skills that will determine where you will do your non-religious mission trip.

How to choose the right mission trip program?

The most important aspect of choosing a great volunteer trip program is that you do enough research on the different volunteer organizations and try to answer the following questions:

  • What does the organization stand for?
  • What is their objective and how are they trying to achieve it?
  • How are the funds they receive spent?
  • How do you think you will contribute?
  • What will be the effect of your volunteer work?
  • What are the best mission trip organizations?

Take into account the possible negative effects. Read up on the organization, read reviews and ask previous volunteers about their past experience with the organization. There are some great agencies and non-profit organizations that are doing very responsible work.

Be careful when you choose to volunteer with children. Do your due diligence prior to signing up. There are organizations however that are doing more harm than good. It’s important to take into account that we have attempted to screen these organizations but you make the final call. Choose wisely and you will be in for an incredible experience while supporting a meaningful cause.

Best places for mission trips abroad

Embark on a volunteer trip and the world is just a click away. Volunteer organizations are aware of the limited time most people have on their hands and are welcoming short-term volunteers. Take this opportunity to explore the world and give back to less fortunate communities. Whether you’re adventurous and want to feel the rawness of Africa or prefer the laidback lifestyle of Asia, there’s something out there for everyone. Volunteers who are afraid of a culture shock can also apply for opportunities closer to home. Unlimited volunteer opportunities are awaiting your support. Start small, start with a short volunteer trip and see what it brings.

Top 5 benefits of international mission trips

It’s hard to name drawbacks when talking about volunteering abroad. It’s almost always associated with feelings of positivity. Both travel and volunteering allow people to get out of their usual environment and open up to new experiences. Join one of the mission trips and you will help the communities of your travel destination. Let’s take a look at some benefits volunteering for a non-religious mission trip may have in store for you:

  1. Valuable Learning Opportunities

Choosing to volunteer will open up a new world. You will learn about the country and culture and interact with the local community. This will enable a deeper understanding of the people and their situation. Learn new skills during the volunteer program and witness the opportunities that will unfold because of it.

  1. Meet new people-During a volunteer trip, you will meet other volunteers and travelers who share your taste in activities and interests. You’ll be connecting with like-minded fellow volunteers and locals. This is a wonderful opportunity to build meaningful relationships and allow cultural interchange.
  1. New Experiences-This is a brilliant way to expand your perspective on life. Issues that seemed huge problems before, may seem trivial after your volunteer experience. Even if it was for a shorter time span. New life experiences make you stronger and will empower you for the future. A mission trip may inspire you to do more volunteer work in the future.
  1. Health Improvements:-Traveling and volunteering are two ingredients that practically guarantee happiness. Research has proven that traveling is beneficial as it puts people in a completely different environment which forces different parts of the brain to be used. On top of that, supporting a project or program will give you a sense a purpose which is a major happiness influencer. Happy people tend to be healthy people. Do a mission trip and notice the effects it has on you!
  1. Travel-This is your chance to explore and discover some of the most interesting places the world has to offer. You’ll be doing this while contributing to a meaningful cause. What are you waiting for? Get out your luggage and start packing for your adventure abroad!

How can I join a mission trip?

You’re ready to do a mission trip but you’re not quite sure where to start? First of all, have a look at the different programs across the globe, and pick a few that have caught your attention.

Once you’ve done that, let’s take a look at the first 3 steps which will send you on your way to do medical mission trips abroad:

  1. Check whether there’s a match between you and the projects by looking at their requirements.
  2. Take a look at the location of the project and decide whether it would be excited to go to.
  3. Get in touch with the organization and see whether your expectations and schedules match up.

Once this is sorted. Let’s take a look at the practical steps:

Insurance (Health & travel)

We recommend getting both health and travel insurance. In fact, this is even a requirement for all volunteer programs abroad. Get in touch with your program contact person to find out if an insurance plan is already in place for volunteers.

Visa, Passport, and Documentation

Once you know your destination, take the following 3 steps before setting off on your life-changing adventure!

  • Look into the visa requirements for the country you will volunteer in
  • Make sure you have a valid passport considering the requirement of the host country
  • Make sure you prepare the correct documents to fulfill the visa application

That’s it! You’re ready for your mission trip abroad! Get ready for a life-changing experience that may be short but will have an incredible impact. The world is waiting for you. Check out the different volunteer trips on our page!


Almost everyone dreams of going to a safari in Tanzania, arguably the best safari destination in the world. To some, it’s another tick off the bucket list; to others, it’s a dream wildlife experience; and to some others, it’s passion. Whatever the reason for traveling, there is always that inner anxiety on what to expect in a safari in Tanzania. Well, to ease up the suspense, here are the 9 things you can look forward to:


Tanzania is blessed with a widely diverse ecosystem that ranges from golden savannas and plains to mountains and forests to waterfalls and walled cities to islands that offer a tropical paradise of exquisite proportions. In a typical safari, you will be able to witness a glorious display of these landscapes. You will be able to drive through rough roads, some almost impassable during certain times, and you will be able to enjoy a striking natural scenery all throughout.
One of the most visited parks that offers a unique landscape is the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Its main highlight is the UNESCO World Heritage Site and Africa’s “Garden of Eden”, Ngorongoro Crater, which is a massive volcanic caldera that provides a safe haven to 25,000 large animals including 26 black rhinoceros and about 62 strong lions. Water is never scarce in the area and its gorgeous vistas just make it impossible not to be included in any African destinations checklist. Another iconic attraction that boasts of a majestic landscape is Mount Kilimanjaro. It is Africa’s highest peak and the world’s tallest free-standing mountain. So if you are on a safari in Tanzania, it is wise to expect many different landscapes.


Tanzania has always been popular for its impressive concentration and diversity of wildlife (and birdlife as well). It is normal to find a herd of zebras along with wildebeests in one corner and then a pride of lions or hyenas on another. In fact, many visitors have attested that the number of animals they saw on other safari destinations like South Africa in, say, 2 weeks is the number of animals they saw on a safari in Tanzania in merely 5 days! You have to remember that a good guide is essential for a successful safari. Even though Tanzania is teeming with wildlife, the animals can still be hard to spot especially if you don’t know where and how to look. Thanks to the drivers/guides/rangers, you will be able to go to “where the action happens.” One iconic wildlife event in Tanzania is the Great Wildebeest Migration, where millions of wildebeests, zebras, gazelles, and kudus move in a clockwise manner around the East African plains in anticipation of the rains and better grazing. This event happens all year-round so whatever month you visit the Serengeti, you will surely be able to experience this said migration as long as you have an experienced guide to navigate your tour.


Since each park is huge and you’ll need some time to find a multitude of animals, you’re going to be inside the safari vehicle for up to 4 to 5 hours. Most animals are super active early in the morning just before sunrise and so typically, your safari starts that early in the morning. 
You will be basked under the hot African sun for hours and because of the road’s conditions, there will be a lot of bumping and bouncing around. Unlike in the zoo where animals are contained in one area, animals in Africa are free to roam anywhere. This means that if you are set to see lions, giraffes, zebras, cheetahs, and other animals, it might take some time. No worries, though, because the wilderness will always make you go wow. Also, there are so many bird species around Tanzania.


Tanzania is just near the equator so it only has two seasons: wet and dry. However, weather can be pretty much unpredictable, too. It is mostly sunny, yes, but some days, it’s rainy. Sometimes rains can go as short as 5 minutes or a few hours, other times it can rain all day. Some days it’s cold, other times it’s hot and humid and some other days it’s a blend of these temperatures. So prepare comfortable clothes, sunblock, a hat/cap and consider bringing a rainy gear.


You cannot expect a marvelous phone coverage on a safari. Most areas, especially remote camps, offer zero mobile phone coverage. When it comes to internet connectivity, almost all camps and lodges (even the remote ones) have WiFi so you can still go online, check e-mails and post photos on social media platforms. However, internet connection can sometimes be intermittent or patchy so don’t keep your hopes up if you want to stream a movie, play an online game or do something that requires loads of internet bandwidth.


Food in safaris is glorious! It’s either you eat on your lodge/camp or dine among the animals in a picnic mat, a picnic table or even on your safari vehicle! You will have the schedule/itinerary beforehand so you would know what time your meals and snacks will be served. You also don’t have to worry because chefs prepare your meals special and you can also ask for any diet restrictions you may have. Food in the lodges are great but when you go on a safari, you bring a “lunchbox” where options can be limited as it has to last several hrs before being consumed. Typical options include sandwiches often white bread, fried foods (chicken), boiled egg and some fruits. But expect breakfast and dinner to make up for it as lodges often prepare both local and international cuisine and it is normally served buffet style so you’re sure to have lots of options.


Going in a safari doesn’t only mean you only do the game driving and game viewing. There are other activities you can certainly enjoy as well, whether you travel solo, as a couple, or as a family/group! Unique add-ons include hot air balloon rides where you can float around iconic parks and spot incredible wildlife peppered across the plains; bonfires in the wild where you can chill and exchange stories with other fellow travelers; mountain trekking; and even an escape to the beach to cap off your African vacation!


Being away from the city and in the heart of the wild, you will be surrounded by the amazing sounds of nature and at night, you will be able to experience “being close to the stars” as those twinkling lights appear to be just within your reach. Being here might have you exposed to tsetse flies and mosquitoes but that comes with the authentic experience. When you’re out on the road during your safari and nature suddenly calls, you can’t expect a luxurious restroom in the middle of the wild, can you? Since there are no toilets around, you’ll have to “do it in the bush.” When you’re in small charter flights, there will be no onboard toilet either. So, bring lots of toilet paper and a hand sanitizer! Another thing that’ll make you experience the wild is waking up to animal sounds. Most camps are strategically located near waterholes where animals congregate or around areas where herds gather around. Since animals are most active in the early part of the day, it is totally normal to experience waking up to some zebras by your terrace or hippos snorting by your window or even birds chirping. During your game drives, you will be aboard a customized safari vehicle. Depending on your tour operator, you will be in closed safari vehicles which feature large windows and a pop-up roof; or in an open-sided safari vehicle which features a non-walled vehicle.


Accommodations in Tanzania range from budget camping tents that are famous for backpackers and travelers who want to rough it out to standard lodges or tented camps that feature basic facilities, to luxurious hotel-style lodges and extravagant tented camps that are just exquisite in every corner.  Depending on the type of accommodation you choose, you will be staying in an exclusive area in the wilderness where you will be surrounded by stunning vistas and freely roaming animals or you will be staying in camps/lodges that are strategically located along areas very accessible to wildlife encounters or attractions.


When we talk about safaris in Tanzania, we are usually referring to the safari parks in the northern part of the country and the ones in the southern region. The northern safari park is the more popular area which covers world-famous parks like Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara, Tarangire, and Mount Kilimanjaro. Southern safari circuit, on the other hand, is the more remote area of Tanzania which usually offers a more raw and untouched landscape. Parks in this side of Tanzania include the renowned Selous Game Reserve as well as other huge parks like Ruaha National Park and Mikumi National Park.

Group Volunteering

Group volunteering abroad is a great idea. How so? Because it provides all of the amazing benefits and advantages of individual volunteering plus more! These benefits add value not only to the team members, but also for the facilitator of the group, whether that group is from a college/university, a company or a simply a group of friends. Among those benefits one will find team building, enhancing skills by stepping out of one’s comfort zone while surrounded by supportive partners, strengthening the connection to your organization, the sharing of meaningful moments and many more. 

Lucky for you, this idea has been vetted and executed by GoEco for many years. GoEco has placed over 17,000 volunteers since its creation in 2006. Not only have we sent individuals to our worldwide and highly-accredited programs, but we also have extensive experience helping groups organize and participate in these volunteer trips as well.

Contact us NOW.


275,Sombetini Road, 275, Arusha, Tanzania Phone:+255655707352



Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm