Ghana: Medical Volunteers Placements

Facts About This Program

Ghana: Medical Volunteers Placements

The Travelers Africa   Medical volunteers programme in Ghana offers a fantastic opportunity to gain first-hand experience and insight into the Ghanaian health care system. Learn from local staff and get involved in supporting them. Access to healthcare in Ghana has improved dramatically since the introduction of the National Health Insurance Act in 2003. However, the healthcare system in Ghana still faces a number of challenges, particularly in rural areas. The large majority of patients arrive due to illnesses related to poor sanitation. Malaria is also a huge issue and remains the cause of many deaths and illnesses. In addition, HIV/AIDS continues to harm the lives of so many Ghanaians. Many of the major causes of death and serious illness are avoidable. The work of the healthcare system in Ghana is not only to treat immediate cases but also educate the local communities in preventative measures.

We can organize placements from people of all backgrounds. So whether you’re a school leaver looking for work experience to boost your university application or a nursing / medical student organizing an overseas elective placement, – we have just the project for you!

The main hospital that we support and work with in Ghana is Manhyia government hospital which is based in central Kumasi. The departments we can arrange placements in are:

Adolescent Counseling, Community Health Education, Dentistry, Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT), General surgery, Laboratory, Nursing, Maternity & Midwifery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Physical Therapy, Physiotherapy, Prenatal, Psychology, Radiology, Ultrasound

We welcome school leavers and 1st year healthcare related undergraduate students, looking to gain invaluable experience. Your role is largely observational. The hospitals are poorly resourced and under-staffed by UK standards, so you will have a very eye-opening experience. You will be placed in a number of different departments, so that you can receive a broad insight into the Ghanaian healthcare system.

The maximum recommended duration for a medical experience is 6 weeks. You are able to combine your healthcare programme with our other community based volunteering projects such as helping at the orphanage or teaching project, should you wish to get involved in multiple projects.

We also offer more specific programme opportunities for dentistry, medical, midwifery and nursing students looking to take part in an overseas elective. We can tailor the placement around your needs and design your work schedule around the requirements for your elective. Travelers Africa  can also complete any paperwork required by your university, as we receive many healthcare students in Ghana for their elective placement.

You will find the staff at the healthcare facilities appreciative of your support and positive towards information sharing. Over the course of your placement you will witness a range of cases that you may never come across in the UK, such as Typhoid, Polio and TB. There will also be the chance to learn about tropical diseases such as Malaria, Leishmaniasis and Dengue.

Whilst the hospital adopts modern forms of treatment, you will experience how cases are treated within an under-resourced and poorly staffed healthcare system and the challenges the staff face. Furthermore, cultural factors and a lack of education/health awareness will give you an insight into the alarmingly high number of preventable cases admitted each day. Many students also find fascinating to witness the dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship compared to that of the western world.

As for all our volunteer in Ghana programmes, it is possible to combine multiple projects during your time with us. If this is something you’d like to do, then please apply for the main programme you’d like to take part in but also outline in your online application the details of the other projects you’d like to do. Our local team will finalise the details of your placements during your in-country orientation.

Your level of involvement at the project is dictated by medical experience, duration of programme and willingness to get involved. The medical staffs are accountable for you whilst you’re under their supervision, so it is completely up to them if you are permitted and want to get involved in hands-on procedures. Whilst previous The Travelers Africa volunteers have been given the chance to administer IV injections, dress wounds etc, we can never guarantee or promote hands-on involvement for participants regardless of their medical experience or background.

Generally speaking those with little or no medical experience assume a largely observational role. If you are studying medically related degree, then you should have more opportunity to undertake some more basic hands-on involvement. However, to reiterate we can never guarantee or endorse hands-on experience should you choose to get hands-on, as the decision ultimately lies with the


In order to join the programme you need to be at least 17 on the programme start date.

We welcome volunteers of all backgrounds, nationalities and religions. You must be able to provide us with a clean criminal background check prior to your programme start date. We are unable to accept anyone who has any previous criminal convictions.

Although you do not need to speak English as your first language, we do require all participants to have a good level of English in order to join the programme.

You should also be physically fit, as volunteering overseas can be quite strenuous. If you have any medical/mental health conditions that may affect your participation overseas then these must be declared to us during your online application.

You should arrive into Kotoka International Airport in Accra (airport code ACC) on the selected Sunday start date. You will be met at the airport by one of our local staff or an appointed driver who will be holding a named sign. They will take you to your accommodation where you will spend the rest of your day at leisure.

The programme ends on the Sunday of your final week and you should depart the accommodation on this day.

In order to join the programme you need to be at least 17 on the programme start date.

Generally the average age range of volunteers is 17-22 but this is by no means definitive.

There is no upper age limit. However, we encourage anyone who is slightly older to contact us in the first instance and we can advise if there is a more appropriate programme/destination for you.

For the majority of our programmes you can apply at any time. However, we advise that you apply as soon as possible to ensure we have availability on the programme – particularly if you’re looking to travel between June and August, as spaces can fill up very quickly during this period.
It is best that you apply sooner rather than later as some of our programmes only have a limited capacity and spaces get filled very quickly. However, you should always make sure you’re 100% committed to the programme before applying.
It is also possible to change your start dates once you have already applied and had your space confirmed. However, please note this does carry an administration charge of £39 and is subject to availability.
You need to apply online by locating the “Apply Now” button on the individual programme; this will guide you through our Online Application process.

Based on volunteer feedback we believe a period of 4-6 weeks is the ideal time to get really involved in a project and make an impact. This also allows you to have enough time at the weekends to explore the local area and further afield. Participants who join us for 2 weeks frequently tell us that they did not believe this was long enough and wish they had stayed for a longer period.

We accept volunteers from all over the world. The majority of our participants are from the UK, US, Canada & Australia. However we have hosted volunteers from countries such as Nigeria, Bermuda & Peru in the past.

You’re more than welcome to travel and volunteer with friends, family members or with a boyfriend/girlfriend. If required, we can make sure that you stay in the same accommodation and volunteer at the same project (please note the majority of our volunteer accommodation is on a single-sex basis).
Please outline in the ‘Special Requirements’ box of your online application if you’d like to make sure you’re placed alongside another applicant/s.

Although our volunteers work in the developing world, we always ensure our host locations are safe. Each programme has been extensively researched and has passed our strict vetting process. Our UK team undergoes an extensive routine when establishing our in-country infrastructures and we continue to monitor our safety procedures on a regular basis. Furthermore, we monitor the stability of our volunteer destinations on a daily basis. Through our constant contact with consulates and embassies and our reports from our overseas teams, we are able to ensure that our volunteers are never placed in unstable regions.

The PMGY team have visited and participated in every programme we offer and verified them based on our own independent criteria. We carefully inspect every little detail of our set-up. From inspecting the living conditions, checking out the neighborhoods you’ll be staying in, to tasting the food you’ll be eating – each and every programme we establish has gone through a lengthy and rigorous vetting process. Risk assessments have been written for all areas in which PMGY operate and our experienced local coordinators are always on-hand to manage any emergencies that may occur. Our UK teams are always on the road reviewing our risk management procedures in the field and monitoring local conditions.

In emergency situations we have the necessary protocols and equipment in place and we are able to evacuate our volunteers from potential dangers. Our local coordinators are trained to deal with emergency circumstances.

When you join Travelers Africa we will send you a Volunteer Handbook. This document addresses a range of issues such as health, safety, visa issues etc. Furthermore, our UK team are only ever a phone call away should you wish to discuss any aspect of your upcoming programme. When you arrive in-country, you’ll be given a comprehensive safety briefing during your orientation course by our local coordinators. We will go through everything from emergency procedures, how to use local transport and cultural differences. You’ll also be given the opportunity to purchase a local SIM card, something we strongly suggest, so you’re contactable at all times. We will provide you with a full list of the important contact numbers that you’ll need to know.

All our local teams are experienced development professionals who have years of experience in hosting international volunteers. They are our representatives on the ground and will assist you 24/7 throughout your stay. Whether you need to call home, travel at the weekend or require urgent assistance – they are there to support you.

While we cannot guarantee your volunteer experience to be 100% trouble free we have taken all the necessary precautions to make sure each programme is as safe as possible.

In order to confirm your place on a Travellers Africa  programme you need to pay the Registration Fee (£149). The remaining Programme Fee is then due no less than 60 days prior to your programme start date.
You’re only required to pay your £149 Registration Fee once we can guarantee you a place on the programme, unless you’re applying within 60 days of your programme start date in which case you’ll need to pay the full amount to confirm your place. We will notify you by email that you have been successful in your application.
Any remaining payments must be made no less than 60 days prior to your start date. This payment can be made in one lump sum or in several installments. If you chose to take our insurance or book a flight with The Travellers Africa then these must be paid for (in full) at the time of booking.
Payments can be made directly through our website using all major debit and credit cards. We will outline instructions to make payment in our email communication with you. Please note credit card payments are subject to a 3% additional fee to cover the bank charges that The Travellers Africa incur

Highlight for Medical Volunteer Placements Ghana.

Your first night in Ghana will be spent at a hostel near to Kotoka International Airport in Accra. Our partner hostel offers basic but comfortable accommodation. You will share a room with fellow volunteers. Rooms are air conditioned here. A member of the The Travellers Africa Ghana team will also stay at the hostel to ensure you have 24/7 support and will travel with you to Kumasi the following day.

During your time with The Travellers Africa in Ghana you will live in our Volunteer House located in a friendly neighborhood, 45 minutes drive from Kumasi city centre. You will find restaurants, convenience stores and ATMs in the centre of town. There is a small shop opposite the Volunteer House. The local communities are extremely friendly. As soon as you step out of the house you’ll be greeted by smiling children! Just one of the amazing experiences you’ll have with The Travellers Africa in Ghana.

The accommodation is basic but comfortable with free Wi-Fi. Each room has bunk beds with up to 6 people per room in same-sex rooms. Volunteers are provided with fans in the room and their own mosquito net and bed linen. Bathrooms are shared, have a shower and western style toilet. The water is cold but this shouldn’t be a problem as Ghana is hot all year-round!

The house has free Wi-Fi (although intermittent) and a communal area for volunteers to hang out. There is a lounge, TV and DVD player and an outside seating area. Volunteers are welcome to use the kitchen to prepare meals or even help out when meals are being prepared. We also have a refrigerator where you can store your personal food items but please remember this is dependent on electricity and power cuts can be a frequent occurrence in Ghana!

Clothes can be hand-washed or you request a local maid to wash them for you. Living in the The Travellers Africa Volunteer House offers a great social experience. Volunteers are given their own privacy and locks to their rooms, so it is a very laid-back atmosphere.

A member of our local team will also live at the house. The house is gated and secure and our local coordinator lives on-site ensuring you have around the clock support and security.  

Please note that power cuts and water shortages are very common in Ghana. Whilst we have backup measures to combat this, there may be times where the power cuts out or there is no water for a while so it’s important to be aware of this in advance.

During our busiest months (June to September) you may be placed at alternative accommodation. This could be a nearby guesthouse or one of our summer Volunteer Houses.








Volunteers will be provided with breakfast, lunch and dinner every day during their time with The Travellers Africa. Breakfast and dinner are served at the Volunteer House, whereas for lunch we provide you with a packed lunch or the project may provide you with lunch

Please note most meals will incorporate lots of carbs and not so much dairy or meat compared to the UK so please be open minded around this! It may take you a few days for your body to accustom to the local food as well.

Pork, lamb and beef are difficult to source in Ghana and usually quite expensive. The main meat is chicken, fish and goat. There is also a real lack of fresh dairy products, so you should be prepared to live without milk and cheese etc. Most milk is tinned.

There are a number of western restaurants around a 45 minute drive out from the accommodation should you fancy picking up some home comforts. There are also some Chinese and Indian restaurants in Kumasi. Our local team will tell you all about the options available to you during your in-country orientation.

Here is an example of the meals you can expect:




* Our team will do their best to cater for any dietary requirements but there may be instances where you may need to purchase alternative ingredients at your own expense.



Other Details

You should be fluent in English. Provide proof of age (copy of passport). You must be 18 years old. Those under age 18 may attend age-appropriate projects with adult accompaniment. Provide an original or certified copy of a recent criminal background check (less than 1 year old), since you might be dealing with minors. Provide an original or certified copy of required qualifications (medical degree or transcript), medical professionals only.

Possible Workplaces

Public hospitals, clinics, and community health centers.


All year round.


275,Sombetini Road, 275, Arusha, Tanzania Phone:+255655707352



Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm