Oldenderit Primary School

Oldenderit Primary School

Background of School

Oldenderit Primary School is a government-run school within the Nduruma Village,Nduruma Ward,Arusha DC, Tanzania and the school  teaches over 350 children from ages 5 to 15. There are 10 teachers, a head master and a school chairman. The children are taught basic subjects such as math, history, science, social studies, English and Swahili. All classes are taught in their mother tongue Swahili. Oldenderit Primary School has been providing children with an education since 2004 when it was founded. School runs from January to mid of November with holidays in December and June.

Oldenderit Primary School is provided with a small amount of funds annually from the government that barely covers what is needed for a school year, let alone provides opportunity to upgrade the deteriorating conditions of the school. It has never had electricity or run water through the building, In 2016 Mr. Edward Wilson has done the best work to make several follow up to Tanzania Ministry of Water and in 2017 the Oldenderiti village was connected with safe running water which saved students from using dirty river water for the children to drink which was coming through out Themi River, the washroom holes are overflowing and the school walls/floors/roofs are crumbling.

In the recent months the government has provided the school with 2-new extra unfinished class rooms, and Edward Wilson in collaboration with volunteers has helped the school with repair for windows and one door (including glass) for the teacher’s office, leaving the rest of the school still needing windows and doors. 

School supplies are also scarce as every five children share a book and every three children share a pencil to do their work.

Overview of Village

Nduruma village has a population of approximately 3,000-5,000 people, and there are mainly livestock keepers and farmers who live here. The primary languages are Maasai and Swahili. It is approximately 45 minutes with car driving away from Arusha town to Oldenderiti. As Nduruma villager’s income is based solely on farming and livestock keeping, it is found to be one of the poorest villages in Tanzania. Frequent drought conditions dry up farms, so many farmers and livestock keepers are forced to seek other means of generating some type of income to buy food.

Water distribution and electricity is either scarce or unaffordable for the people who live here. The village main water source was Themi river that flows from Mt. Meru but because of the dry weather conditions in Tanzania the river is running dry and the village was lucky to get connected with Running water but still the existing water need to get supplied near to families, So pipes and other equipments are required in order to distribute water to families that has no water because water centres are still very few and far for some people, ranging from 200mts to 500mnts travel for some.

 This river water is very harmful for people to drink, especially since the majority of people do not understand the importance of boiling water or they are too poor to buy fuel. There are a high percentage of people contracting stomach infections, typhoid, fevers, malaria, worms and other parasites and because the clinic is far and cost money many people are unable to seek medical treatment.

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275,Sombetini Road, P.o.box 275, Arusha, Tanzania Phone:+255655707352


info@travelers Africa.com

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