About us:Why pay to volunteer?

Facts About This Program

Why pay to volunteer?

We do not receive any financial support from the government or outside funding, so volunteers must finance themselves. The money you pay allows us to provide you with unrivalled, first-class support and service. We have built our reputation on this and we believe it is this that makes our projects work for volunteers and recipients alike. You will be working in places where you are genuinely needed and, in addition, we ensure that our partner organizations, schools, and institutions across the world don’t have to pay for the help of our volunteers.

Where does the money go?

TRAVELLERS AFRICA is an entirely independent organization which does not receive any funding from governments, religious bodies, political parties, development organizations, or other sources. And of course, we don’t request money from our partner organizations in the developing world. All our work is 100% funded through your contributions as a volunteer.

It is this financial independence that gives us the freedom to set up projects wherever we think it may be useful and in all domains where we think that our volunteers can make a valuable contribution.

Your project price, therefore, not only covers the costs that are directly linked to your presence on the ground, but also a share of all the other costs that setting up our high quality volunteering projects requires.

The precise use of your particular payment you personally made to TRAVELLERS AFRICA  cannot be accounted for specifically, but we really want to be as open as possible. Therefore we have set out here the average percentages of our expenditure and some clear explanations!

 The percentages represent the average of all our projects. Depending on the country of origin, the destination, the time of year, the type of project and other factors, these figures will vary from project to project.

Implementation and monitoring of projects: 19% average

Our first objective is to make a difference through work worth doing. Our local teams and our managers around the world are always on the lookout for new worthwhile projects and for new partners to facilitate them. The set-up of new countries of operation requires significant investment before the first volunteer arrives. We monitor all our projects constantly. We are always looking for ways to improve what we are doing, to achieve more, and to make a difference.

Support for volunteers from before start to finish: 23% average
Highlights of our Medical volunteer programs:

TRAVELLERS AFRICA has permanent and directly employed staff in countries of origin and in every country of operation. From the first contact to the end of your time with us, or even afterward if you join our alumni network, you have assistance available from qualified and knowledgeable people. For us, you are not a name on a list but an individual, and our most important job is to match your objectives, skills, and personality to projects, opportunities and needs in our destinations.

Five hundred colleagues in our teams around the world ensure that all the tiresome problems encountered when working in developing countries, such as visas and permits, food and health matters, and transfers and travel, are all taken care of, so you can just get on with your project.

We also provide a 24/7 emergency service for you and your family back home.

Operating and administrative costs: 17% average

Our individualized programs with choices of dates, project-type, and destination country, require a sophisticated system of administration both in countries of origin and in countries of operation. For each volunteer, there are numerous exchanges between you, our office in your home-country, and our office in your destination-country. Each project, host-family, and flight involves administration and organization. Our teams worldwide are always available to answer your questions and to give advice on visa, transport, and any other matter.

Direct costs on the ground: 22% average

Costs which are directly related to your presence in the field include accommodation and meals for the whole time you are with TRAVELLERS AFRICA, as well as transfers from the international airport to your final destination and other expenses that may vary from country to country. We also arrange meetings for volunteers and workshops for volunteers, partners and staff, which really help to improve the work we undertake.

While you are with us, from the day when you pay for your project until the day you return home, you are covered by first-class travel insurance.

Awareness, communications and advice: 19% average

The offices in the volunteers’ countries of origin have the job of making individuals and organizations aware of TRAVELLERS AFRICA and its work to help the developing world. Then, when people apply to join us, our job is to explain to them in as much detail as possible what they can expect when they’re working as a volunteer with TRAVELLERS AFRICA.

Whatever your interests, motivation, experience, or special requests, we will take the time to advise you on the best and most appropriate project, personally for you.



What kind of skills you need to go this project?

Initiative, enthusiasm and patience will be essential characteristics for any volunteer embarking on this project. You will need to understand the key aims of your project as a focal point for the broader community and be aware of the long term goals in order to appreciate the hands on work that this project will require.

 Any specific skills that you can contribute, such as teaching experience, environmental issues, community health advice, counseling and sports coaching will be appreciated. Volunteers will need to be pro-active in instigating activities that they particularly want to get up and running as supervision and leadership may be fairly minimal.

Volunteers also get involved in extracurricular activities such as sports, drama & music.  Volunteers have shared IT skills with the teachers, held seminars on topics including: health issues and reproductive matters alternatives to corporal punishment (which is formally banned but used at times), business skills, and public speaking and study skills.


66 Broklyn Street, New York



Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm