Zanzibar: Volunteer Project

Facts About This Program

Zanzibar: Volunteer Project

Not far from the beautiful coast of Tanzania, you will find the magical island archipelago of Zanzibar, where time seems to stand still and people still live the traditional way. Zanzibar has been the entrance of eastern Africa for centuries and it was here where most slaves were sold; and Indian, Chinese and Arabic merchants would arrive to trade their wares and buy spices, ivory and slaves. The history of Zanzibar has created a unique mixture of Indian, African and Arabic influences which can be seen in its people, food, culture and building styles.

Stone Town is a labyrinth of alleys and walkways and takes you back centuries. Stone Town and the surrounding villages offer volunteers the unique opportunity to enjoy the white beaches, clear blue water, coconut palm trees and the lively Zanzibar culture and food. The island is a popular backpacker’s destination.

The primary schools educate over 2 000 children, and due to the lack of schools on Zanzibar, the school has 2 sessions a day and offers a morning school and afternoon school. Children from 6 – 18 years old receive their education in open classrooms with barely enough benches or chairs for each child. Circumstances are basic and the extra help from volunteers is much needed.

English and maths are two subjects that the schools have challenges in. The number of pupils is big, English is not always spoken by teachers and facilities are basic. You can make a change here by supporting the school and its principal by offering assistance in teaching English. You can also offer sports and games after school hours, as well as simply explaining your own culture to the children. Help make this most important time of these children’s lives as positive and educational as possible.

Highlights of volunteer programs:


In general there are a variety of needs and volunteers should keep in mind that you come to volunteer to help where it is needed most, not just to take part in your favourite activities. So be flexible and open-minded to any changes, or other activities that might need your support a little bit more than the ones you prefer. There is plenty of fun to be had while you work!

There is an ongoing need for financial support. Any possible gifts and donations provided by volunteers and their networks are extremely appreciated.

Guidance and supervision

  • You will be supervised by our local Global Safaris ltd coordinators in Stone Town; who will pick you up upon arrival, take you around, introduce you to the school and staff and guide you during your stay.
  • It is important that volunteers at this project understand the following:
    • Tanzania is a peaceful country, but is old-fashioned by Western standards. Be enthusiastic and independent and willing to accept that things can be challenging at times.
    • Show respect towards the people and culture of the local community. The people of Zanzibar are 95% Muslim so prepare yourself accordingly.
    • At all times, follow rules regarding clothing and appearance. Zanzibar is in the tropics and therefore hot. It is not as strict as the Middle East, so you can dress coolly but modestly, with limbs and shoulders covered if possible. Wear what you like on the beach though!
    • Time is a concept that is different in Africa! Volunteers must accept that things don’t move at the rushed pace and in the highly organised way that Westerners are used to. Be patient and learn to appreciate ‘African time’.
Pre-school teaching and community education


  • Students, teachers and other community leaders grasping your English lessons!
  • Play a role in keeping the beach and village environment clean
  • Getting a glimpse of life on the island, and making a tangible difference in a community
  • Getting a taste of Zanzibar culture; learning a bit of Kiswahili!
  • Exploring Zanzibar and the wider archipelago!
  • Enjoying delicious seafood and tropical fruits as you relax on white sandy beaches!
  • Making a child’s day by spending time with them at the nursery schools
  • Snorkeling and diving off Zanzibar island
Why Volunteer

The children and adults, benefit from conversational English skills that you can teach them. These open up new avenues and opportunities for employment, and better understanding. Your volunteer trip is opening up new possibilities, for the community you work in, and for you in international experience.


Based in the village of Jambiani, an hour drive south of Zanzibar town, Jambiani is a peaceful community set amidst a sunny tropical climate. Volunteers spend most of their project time assisting teachers with pre-school students and primary to secondary level students, as well as adult literacy classes. As well as making a lasting impression and fuelling the burning desire the children of Zanzibar have to learn, volunteers will gain a deep insight into the life on the island, and experience its many treasures.


Zanzibar is a semi-autonomous part of Tanzania! Steeped in history, a volunteer experience here comes coupled with a rich historical and tropical flavour! Three meals are provided daily, with the exception of one dinner a week at a local restaurant. Due to the rural location of the project, meals will generally be simple but nutritious, however any special dietary needs must be brought to the attention of the program staff before leaving for the project. In particular vegetarians who also do not eat fish, may find the diet quite restrictive and are advised to bring or purchase other food items to provide adequate protein to your diet.

Please Note: during the month of Ramadan (varies during a Gregorian calendar year) No schoolwork will take place as the school children are on holidays – instead volunteers will focus on community projects, school maintenance and renovation work and possibly adult literacy work.


Shared housing (beach bungalows) with other volunteers. 2-3 volunteers per bungalow with bathrooms. Mosquito nets and fans are provided! The beach is literally on the doorstep of the bungalows, with the ocean able to be seen from the front door, and magnificent sunsets and sunrises can be seen from the comfort of your own bungalow!

Starting Date

Start dates are generally the first and third Monday of each month, all year round, however there are some seasonal closures such as school holidays, whilst schools may close there are still plenty of community projects to be a part of. Placements are subject to availability; speak to one of our volunteer specialists today to find out when you can make your way out to Zanzibar!


Volunteers must be at least 18 at the time of departure for placement

Provide police background check

Be in good health prior to arrival

Volunteer Tasks
  • Teaching English to children, teachers and local adults
  • Singing and dancing with the children
  • Developing the children’s creative skills through crafts such as painting, drawing and colouring
  • Playing developmental games with the children
  • General upkeep of the school to keep it a pleasant environment in which to learn

Although most schools are ill equipped and have meager facilities, the children possess a passionate desire to learn. Volunteers will assist teachers, to provide a better education and more thorough proficiency of the English language. These are the ways in which you will assist in the schools:

  • Teaching in the classes (qualified teachers only and pre arranged before trip)
  • Organize and coordinate sports afternoons with the students
  • Help maintain and even repair the facilities, most of which may be quite run down
Services Included
  • Volunteer placement
  • Pre-departure information – know more about just where exactly you are going
  • Project donations where applicable
  • All airport transfers from Zanzibar Airport or ferry port/harbour upon your arrival and departure – within transfer times
  • Accommodation – shared beach bungalows
  • Orientation program with onsite training
  • Any daily transport that might be required as part of the project during your stay
  • All meals (exception of 1 night a week on a Wednesday evening at a local restaurant which costs between USD$7 – USD$15)
  • Weekly laundry service during your stay
  • Assistance in your projects by Project staff and volunteer coordinators
  • 24/7 contact number
  • All visas, insurance and flights, however we offer flexible airfares, visa assistance and insurance to suit your travel needs.
  • Transport that is not related to the project
  • All items of a personal nature – including internet access
  • Evening meal at a local restaurant or home for USD$7 – USD$15 on a Wednesday evening

Zanzibar: Volunteer Project

Volunteer daily schedule sample

This is an example from Monday to Friday and serves as a guideline only:

06:00 Wake up and join your project manager for a sunrise jog on the beach – it’s worth it we promise! Or, have a swim in the sea, join the local ladies’ beach exercise group or the boys football team.

07:15 Breakfast of fruit, eggs and toast at project base

08:30 Cycle to the nursery school in the Jambiani village

9:00 Start teaching a themed class at one of our local nursery schools

12:00 Leave school and cycle back to our project base for some sun & time out

12:30 Lunch break

14:00 Teach Adult English classes in Jambiani or the Jozani Forest.

16:00 Volunteers will be assigned to different groups such as Adult Foreign Language classes, Afternoon Kids club and teaching of English and maths to a ladies’ tailoring group.

18:00 Cool down with a swim, have a cold drink, use the Wi-Fi at a nearby hotel, socialise with the locals, relax or unwind on the beach.

18:30 Dinner – a time usually spent with volunteers sharing stories about their day

19:00 Volunteers can relax, play games, enjoy scheduled activities on some nights and get to know fellow staff and volunteers.

In the evenings volunteers discuss their day amongst each other whilst having supper together and prepare teaching material for the project the next day. You will have Saturdays and Sundays off to do any tourist activities or to rest from your week of volunteering.

Want to know more or get on board for this experience? Just simply enter your details in the form or give us a call on the number at the top or bottom of this page!




66 Broklyn Street, New York


Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm